How to Install Ringtones in the iPhone 3G
- 1). Connect the USB cord that came with your iPhone to your computer's USB port.
- 2). Open iTunes if your computer does not automatically open it. To open, simply click on the iTunes icon on your computer. Wait until iTunes finishes loading and you will see the small icon of your iPhone on the panel on the left-hand side of the screen.
- 3). Click on the icon for your iPhone and then click on the tab labeled ringtones.
- 4). Scroll through the ringtones, making sure there is a check mark next to each ringtone you want to install on your iPhone.
- 5). Sync your iPod as you normally would. Disconnect the iPod once it has finished syncing.
- 6). Click on the setting button on your iPhone. This will open a list of customizable options.
- 7). Click on "sounds" in the settings menu and then on "ringtone".
- 8). Choose from the list of ringtones under "custom" by touching it. Once the check mark appears (this will be instant), click on the home button (a small, circular button with a square in it near the bottom of the iPhone). This will be your new ringtone.