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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden

How do I Plant the Seeds From a Buckeye Tree?

The state tree of Ohio, the majestic buckeye (aesculus glabra) is a stunning addition to a garden. Saplings are available from horticultural suppliers, but there is nothing quite like the satisfaction of seeing a seed that you have planted become a fully grown tree. As the buckeye drops its seeds in

Similarities Between Mosses & Ferns

A stroll through a cool, shady forest reveals both ferns and mosses, often flourishing side by side. Ferns have a vascular system for transporting food, water and minerals up through hair-like roots. Mosses have no true roots, nor do they have a vascular system, according to the Annenberg Learning w

How to Plant Wild Peach Trees

Peaches are native to Asia, specifically China, and have been grown there for hundreds of years. True wild peach trees still grow throughout Northern China, where they are considered the tree of life, according to the University of Oklahoma. Wild peach trees also grow in India. Wild trees do produce

Organic Bug Prevention on Apple Trees

Every fruit tree owner, especially apple tree owners, has had to deal with pests and diseases. Since apple trees bear such large, sweet and brightly-colored fruit, they attract a number of insects that like to feast on apples and lay their eggs inside the bark and under leaves. Apple trees are also

What Time of Year to Plant Grapes

Grapes are a versatile fruit that you can use to make jelly, jam, juice or wine. You can snack on them or add them to your favorite chicken salad. Grapes are full of vitamins A, C and B6. They also contain potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. Grapes contain antioxidants that help fight cancer, so

Cultivation of Stephanotis Floribunda

Stephanotis is an evergreen vine with bright green leaves and white, waxy, sweet-smelling flowers. While its common name is Madagascar jasmine, it is not a true jasmine but a member of the milkweed family. Its common names are Madagascar jasmine, bridal bouquet and stephanotis. Its tubular, star-sha

Apricot Tree Growth

Apricots make a nutritious snack, and the trees make a bountiful addition to the home orchard. With proper care, these hardy trees produce an abundance of fruit. Apricots are generally kept under 12 feet when cultivated but can reach much larger sizes in their native habitats.


Noni fruit is said to have many medicinal benefits

Winter Care Tips for the Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera daisies are popular tender perennials best suited for warmer climates.gerbera image by Kolett from Fotolia.comGerbera or Transvaal daisies are native to warm-winter areas of South Africa. They are popular because of the large 4 to 7 inch flowers in striking colors such as yellows,...

How to Plant Lily Flower Bulbs

Lilies will grow in almost any type of soil, and will tolerate full sun to light shade conditions. Their colorful flowers will bloom at different times of the year, depending on the cultivar, so you can plan a garden that will have lilies blooming from June through September. For a spectacular show

How to Stop Crab Grass

Crab grass is a major problem for many homeowners. It is an invasive, fast-growing weed that can ruin your lawn. According to the website the Garden Counselor, crab grass is one of the most difficult weeds to get eliminate. While it is difficult to remove, it is not impossible. With the right know-h

Size of a Clementine Tree

Clementines are a type of orange in the mandarin or tangerine group. According to Purdue University, this fruit was first brought to the United States in 1909. Clementines are very sweet oranges that ripen in winter, making them a popular Christmas fruit. They grow on medium-sized, thornless trees,

The Best Time to Direct Sow Verbena Seeds

According to West Coast Seeds, many butterfly experts consider verbena to be an important source of nectar for different butterfly species. This plant grows many narrow stems, which support clusters of blue-purple flowers through the summer.

When to Plant Roses in Phoenix

Phoenix has two growing seasons. The first is from mid-February through the end of May, and the second growing season is from September to mid-November. January is Phoenix's only winter month. Summer heat can be brutal to roses. For the avid gardener, summer is like the desert's winter, as most pl

Worms on Live Oak Trees

Although they are sometimes controlled naturally by parasitic wasps and mockingbirds, the worms that feed on a live oak tree often may only be controlled or eliminated by the application of an insecticide.

Deadly Flower Names

Many popular landscape flowers are poisonous.poison symbol image by patrimonio designs from Fotolia.comGardeners concerned about pets or small children ingesting plants should be aware that many favorite landscape flowers are poisonous and ingesting them can be deadly. Your local...

How Long Do Black Walnut Trees Live?

The black walnut (Juglans nigra) is a deciduous native of the United States and is among the most widely distributed of all the North American trees. The tree's lumber is also considered among the most valuable North American hardwoods. The black walnut tree has specific growth traits and has a long

How to Build a Tiered Pyramid Planter

When you run out of space to spread out your garden but want to grow more strawberries or other cascading or vining plants, one solution is to build up rather than out. Planters help contain your garden or add a garden where none currently exists. A multi-tiered pyramid planter, which gets smaller w

How to Pick a Ripe Coconut

Coconuts come from coconut palm trees, typically found in tropical regions around the world. Packed with protein and high in calories, coconuts are ideal for making desserts, drinks or eating slices plain as a snack. Knowing what to look for when choosing a coconut will ensure it's ripe and sweet in

When to Clip and Plant Rose Clippings?

One successful way many gardeners propagate roses is through cuttings. Stems are cut from healthy rosebushes and planted. The rose stems form their own roots and can grow into independent rose plants. Take a few more cuttings than the number of rose plants you want to grow just in case some do not r