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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
What Do I Do With My Spinach After It Flowers?
An annual leafy vegetable crop with origins in Southwestern Asia, spinach (Spinacia oleracea) prospers when temperatures are cool and day lengths shorten. The quality and taste of the leaves deteriorates once the stems elongate and produce flowers, a process gardeners call "bolting." Once bolting oc
How to Stop Algae in a Pond
A garden pond can make a lovely addition to any backyard. Unfortunately, when an over-abundance of algae infiltrates the water, you can be left with a murky green waterhole. There are many simple steps that can be taken to keep the water in a pond clear and healthy.
How to Cut a Clay Sewage Pipe
Clay sewage pipe has gone out of vogue in modern times because of advances in plastic pipe technology. Clay pipes are currently used primarily for sewage drains beneath public roadways; however, at one time they were used for essentially every sewage need for homes and commercial applications. Cutti
How to Prune a Red Weigela Shrub
Weigela florida "Red Prince" is a flowering shrub that produces small, bell-shaped red flowers during early and late summer. In addition to its own aesthetic value, the red weigela also is known for attracting various species of hummingbirds. To keep the "Red Prince" healthy and promote continued gr
Soil for Bedding Plants
Bedding plants are typically annuals added to the landscape for color. They have requirements for optimum growth. These include well-drained soil with a high nutrient content. To determine if the soil is well-drained, conduct a soil test and add amendments as indicated by the test.
Help for Birch Trees
The birch tree is a popular tree for landscaping and shade due to its 40- to 50-foot height. If cared for properly and allowed to thrive, the birch tree will last for 40 to 50 years, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.
How Often Should You Water Succulents?
Succulent plants are a large family of plants normally found in desert regions that can also be grown indoors. Succulent plants often have large and thick leaves or stalks that are used to store water. Some succulents have spines, and the cactus is one of the most well-known succulents.
Growing Vanda Orchids
EpiphyticVanda orchids are epiphytic orchids. This means that they do not attach their roots to soil. Instead, they get their support from other plants, although they are not parasitic. In the wild, vanda orchids often attach themselves to trees, letting their roots dangle in the...
A Liquid Herbicide That Is Safe for Flower Beds
Gardeners use liquid herbicide to prevent weeds seeds from germinating or kill off existing vegetation their flower beds. It is important to choose liquid herbicide that is chemically formulated to kill weeds and not your ornamental plants. Also, those preparing the flower beds for planting must use
How to Spray for Bugs on Apple Trees
Many insects are naturally drawn to the sweet smell of apple trees. Apples are a favorite food source to caterpillars as well as maggots and moths of various types. Spraying apples to repel bugs and prevent disease is necessary to promote healthy growth before harvesting. Spraying apples for insects
How to Remove Daffodil Bulbs
Daffodils naturalize in an area over a period of years, overtaking beds and field areas where they are planted. If your garden plan changes or if the daffodils become overgrown and a nuisance, it may be time to remove the bulbs. Daffodils only bloom in spring, with the foliage dying back about six w
Roebelin Palm Tree Care
You may know the miniature Roebelin palm, or Phoenix robelenii, as the pygmy date palm. The plant from North Laos and Vietnam takes as long as 50 years to reach a maximum height of 8 feet. The Roebelin palm’s narrow leaves are green year-round. In the summer, the plant also produces yellow flo
How to Hang a Basket of Petunias
Flowering petunias come in four main categories. Two of the categories, Grandiflora and Multiflora, are suitable for baskets and containers. (Ground covering and Miliflora petunias, the other two categories, are not.) When pinched back properly and faithfully cultivated, petunias can grow bushy with
Does Vinegar Hurt Mulch Piles?
Vinegar is a fermented product, produced from just about anything that contains sugars. There are myriad kinds of vinegar -- from the familiar types found in stores to specially seasoned varieties. White vinegar, often referred to as household vinegar, has many uses, both culinary and around the hou
Where Can I Buy Miracle Fruit Trees?
Miracle fruit is a small berry that, when chewed, creates a chemical reaction in your mouth that makes sour and bitter foods (such as limes) taste sweet. The effect lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours. The berries are so much fun that people hold "miracle fruit parties" where...
How to Grow an Angel Tears Tree
There are seven species in the Brugmansia genus, and angel tears trees (Brugmansia versicolor Grand Marnier) belong to the versicolor species. Versicolors are native to the tropical jungles of Ecuador. They bear the largest flowers of all the brugmansia species; angel tears, bred in France, is no ex
Information on Blue Clip Flowers
Blue clip flowers are a cultivar of the Carpathian bellflower (Campanula carpatica). Originally from southeast Europe, these perennial, long-blooming flowers do best in Zone 3.
Pecan Tree Bark Falling Off
Pecan trees with peeling bark may be experiencing a problem with an infestation of harmful insects in the bark. While pecan trees do have peeling bark that occurs naturally and normally as the tree grows, excess peeling can be a sign of a deeper problem.
Witch Hazel Tree Diseases
Healthy witch-hazel shrubs produce small bright-yellow flowers in Septemberhazel flowering image by matko from Fotolia.comWitch-Hazel or Hamamelis virginiana is a common shrub that is found from Ontario Canada down to Florida. According to Yale University, witch-hazel typically grows up...
How to Stop Plants Growing in a Pond
Ponds create an ideal environment for certain plants to grow. Aquatic plants, ferns and moss often take up residence in ponds. Although aquatic plants can be beneficial for the pond, as they add oxygen to the water, create hiding places for fish and their nurseries and reduce erosion, they also have