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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden

Brown Spots on Bamboo

Bamboo is a hearty grass that can be maintained in a garden or kept as a houseplant. But although the plant is strong and has natural anti-microbial properties, it can still develop problems. Brown spots are usually a sign that a bamboo plant is having issues.

What Are Roundworms?

Roundworms, or nematodes, are a phylum of invertebrates. The nematodes are a very diverse phylum, with tens of thousands of species known to science. Some roundworms are parasitic, while others are free-living. Nematodes are very small, with many no more than 1/10 inch long. Only a few species can r

How to Plant Toro & Blueray Blueberries

Blueberries prefer well-drained acid soil -- soil with a pH from 4.0 to 5.5 -- that is rich in organic material. Toro, a mid-season blueberry, grows to 8 feet and is ornamental, with bronze spring foliage turning deep green in summer and red in fall. Blueray is slightly smaller overall and earlier


Lychee has a red skin that is easily removed, revealing white pulp inside.

How Do I Start Fruit Trees?

Many propagation, or reproduction, techniques exist for starting fruit trees. Most nurseries graft fruit trees using scions and root stock. This means that they take a branch of a mature tree with desirable fruit and connect it to another tree with durable roots. The grafting method provides an easy

Flowering Shrubs in Texas

Southwest gardening can be challenging. Knowing which types of plants do well in an arid environment is the key to a more attractive garden. One way to add color to a garden or lawn is to use flowering shrubs. Only certain types can flourish in the Southwest.

How to Care for a Dwarf Santarosa Plum Tree

Dwarf Santa Rosa plum trees grow to about 8-10 feet tall, much smaller than their standard counterpart. Your dwarf tree will provide you with a lot of fruit as long as you properly care for it with the right amount of water, soil nutrients and pruning. Expect to see fruit in mid-June, and therefore

How to Winterize With Burlap

If you live in a cold climate, winterizing your garden is a fact of life. Some plants need more protection from the cold than others, like plants that are just outside of your USDA zone. Most slightly tender plants can be protected from winter's worst by burlap. Burlap is a type of cloth with a thic

Common Potted Flowers

Flowers make good gifts.g??raniums image by Jacques PALUT from Fotolia.comSeveral hundred varieties of flowers thrive in pots, and potted flowers are a pleasant addition to porches and walkways as well as inside a home. Most potted flowers prefer well-drained, moist soils and light from a...

Difference in Oxygen Levels Between Sandy & Clay Soil

Different soil types hold different amounts nutrients.Hemera Technologies/ ImagesThe key to plant growth lies in the soil. Soil helps plants grow by holding nutrients around the plant's roots where they are available for the plant to absorb and thrive. A plant's roots...

How to Care for a Peace Lily That Is Not Flowering

Peace lilies are known primarily for their large white flower and dark green foliage. Nonflowering peace lilies aren't necessarily a problem. When well cared for, the plant blooms when conditions are right. If your lily is more than a year old, and you've tried giving it more light, you should allow

Cane Borers & Roses

The larvae of certain beetles, moths and wasps bore holes into the canes of rose bushes. The insects usually gain entry into the cane through pruning wounds but can also gain admittance to the wood pith in other locations where damage has occurred. The rose bush can suffer damage from the burrowing

Irish Moss Side Effects

Irish moss appears off the Atlantic Coast of Ireland.The Atlantic on a quiet day image by Barry McDonald from Fotolia.comIrish moss is known scientifically as Chondrus crispus. It is an evergreen ground cover that is also frequently called carrageen moss. Irish moss flourishes in rocky...

How to Keep a Gardener's Calendar

Keeping track of all your gardening tasks on a calendar provides you with a quick and easy way to record and access that information. When you include planting and harvesting dates, along with notes on the progress of crops, the calendar will serve as simple gardener's diary that is both visible and

Do Seeds From a Pumpkin Need to Be Dried Out for Planting?

Until the end of World War II, gardeners saved seed from year to year. With the advent of commercial seed companies, the tradition of seed saving declined. In recent years, seed saving has enjoyed renewed interest. To save pumpkin seeds, choose a ripe, healthy pumpkin from a strong vigorous vine. Af

February Flowering Plants

Gardeners anxious for relief from winter's dreary days can welcome blooms as early as February by planning ahead. Many plants flower in late winter, often as early as January or February. Even the smallest gardens have room for early bulbs or pansies, and larger landscapes are perfect for early shru

Can an Ordinary Potato Be Planted for a Crop?

Potatoes are easy to grow and harvest. They can be eaten at various stages of development, such as new or full maturity, although they must not be eaten green: Solanum tuberosum poisoning can result from the consumption of any green parts of a potato plant. Decide whether to use ordinary potatoes fr

How do I Identify Wildflowers in Bar Harbor, ME?

Bar Harbor, Maine is surrounded by the Acadia National Park and the Atlantic Ocean. It's a prime viewing area for wildflowers. Different types of wildflowers can be found in various habitats: along the ocean, at the roadsides and within the forests of the Acadia Park area. Some people enjoy both the

When to Prune Apple Trees in Washington

Pruning apple trees removes dead or broken branches, improves tree structure or improves fruit development. Focus extensive pruning of fruit trees in Washington during the winter months when they are dormant.

The Best Time to Prune Pecan Trees

According to the University of Florida IFAS Extension Department, the southeastern United States produces most of the U.S. pecan crop. The value of pecans harvested in the U.S. is $100 million to $200 million annually. Pruning a pecan tree is a necessary and on-going chore to keep it producing an op