Flowering Shrubs in Texas
- Rosemary shrubs, although small, produce blue flowers and fragrant foliage. Glossy abelia also is a popular Texas shrub that blooms with white or pink flowers and has evergreen foliage. Abelia blooms through late spring and summer, and may attract hummingbirds.
- Althea is wonderful Texas shrub that blooms in many colors from the summer months until the first frost. Althea requires little care, although occasional pruning may be necessary. Agarita produces yellow flowers in the spring. Italian jasmine has yellow spring flowers and can flourish in southern Texas well. A winter flowering shrub for eastern Texas is winter honeysuckle, which produces fragrant white flowers in the cooler months. Winter honeysuckle is an alternative to summer blooming shrubs that adds interest to any garden or lawn.
- Larger shrubs that grow to 10 to 25 feet include crape myrtle, mock orange, oleander, Russian olive, Texas mountain laurel and vitex. All are Texas-hardy. Crape myrtle and oleander, which often resemble a small tree, bloom in a variety of colors through the warmer months. Mock orange provides white flowers in the spring. Russian olive is known for its silver-gray foliage, but it does not bloom yellow flowers until it is 3 years old. Although somewhat difficult to plant and care for, Texas mountain laurel produces light purple blooms. Also referred to as the Texas lilac, vitex blooms in white, pink and blue flowers. Although occasional pruning is required, it is drought-tolerant. Categorized as a large shrub, vitex grows between 10 and 25 feet tall.
- Texas shrubs generally require little water and minimal maintenance. It is essential, however, to follow the guidelines for sun and water requirements. Some plants, such as Texas Mountain Laurel, will not bloom if sunlight is limited. Other shrubs may do fine in the shade.
- Flowering shrubs are double-duty plants for home gardeners and landscapers. Small and large shrubs alike enhance the beauty of any yard. Large shrubs also provide shade and block the wind. When not in bloom, many shrubs are evergreen, meaning their leaves will not wither when the colder months arrive.