How to Build a Tiered Pyramid Planter
- 1). Measure and cut two 36-inch pieces, two 33-inch pieces, two 12-inch pieces and two 9-inch pieces from the 2-by-6 inch board. Measure and cut two 24-inch pieces, two 21-inch pieces, two 12-inch pieces and two 9-inch pieces from the 2-by-12 inch board.
- 2). Place the two 36-inch pieces parallel to each other on their narrow edges on a flat work surface. Insert the two 33-inch pieces between the 36-inch pieces, on their narrow edges, to form a 36-inch square. Secure each corner with two 2 1/2-inch deck screws. Build a second 24-inch square with two 24-by-12 inch pieces and two 21-by-12 inch pieces, inserting three deck screws per corner. Construct a third 12-inch square with two 12-by-12 inch boards and two 9-by-12 inch boards. Build a final square with two 24-by-6 inch pieces and two 21-by-6 inch pieces.
- 3). Place the 24-inch square inside the 36-inch square, aligning the corners of the two squares and centering the 24-inch square. Measure and cut four 9-inch pieces from the 2-by-6 inch board. Place a 9-inch board between the two squares in the center of each side. Secure the boards with two wood screws on each end.
- 4). Measure and cut two 16-inch pieces from the 2-by-2 inch board. Stack the 6-inch high, 12-inch square on top of the 12-inch high, 12-inch square. Place a 16-inch piece of 2-by-2 inch board vertically into a corner of the stacked squares and secure it there with three deck screws. Put the second 16-inch piece of 2-by-2 inch board vertically into the diagonal corner and insert three screws to hold the two squares together, creating a 16 3/4-inch high, 12-inch square.
- 5). Measure and cut four 9-inch pieces from the 2-by-12 inch board. Position the 12-inch square in the center of the 24-inch square. Place one 9-by-12 inch board in the middle of each side between the 24-inch square and the 12-inch square. Fasten it into position with two deck screws to create a three-tiered pyramid planter.
- 6). Paint all of the wood surfaces with boiled linseed oil. To properly load the brush, dip it no more than one-third of the way into the can then lightly drag it against the rim as you remove it. Allow the oil to soak into the wood overnight before applying a second coat. Let this second coat soak in overnight.