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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
What Eats Petunias?
Petunias, native to South America, are grown for their colorful flowers. With flowers ranging from 1 to 4 inches in diameter, these plants are among the best-selling bedding plants in the United States. When petunias turn from flowers to fodder, likely culprits are insects, slugs or rabbits.
Red & Yellow Tropical Plants
The red hibiscus is a tropical flower.Jupiterimages/ ImagesTropical plants are exotic plants that are found in the subtropical or tropical regions across the globe. Most tropical plants have large, showy flowers and prefer warm, humid climates and moist soils. They can...
How to Alleviate Soil Erosion
Soil erosion occurs when wind and water move soil that is inadequately protected away from its site of origin. Large-scale erosion is often the result of clear-cutting on steep slopes or of agricultural practices that leave large areas of soil unprotected. Soil erosion puts valuable topsoil into str
How to Divide Sweet Autumn Glory Clematis
Sweet autumn clematis (Clematis terniflora), sometimes called sweet autumn glory clematis, is a fast-growing vine that grows up to 30 feet long at maturity. It has a rambling growth habit and will cover practically any structure in its path. Small, fragrant white flowers appear during late summer a
Uses for Organic Banana Peels
The tough, leathery peel of the banana does an excellent job of protecting the soft fruit within. In many commercial banana-growing operations, the peel is routinely exposed to a number of harsh pesticides. While the concentrations of chemicals in the peel pose no serious threat to those who handle
How to Plant Amaryllis Bulbs Properly
Amaryllis bulbs are one of the easiest to force and bloom. The large lily-like flowers are colorful and very showy. Kits are available for purchase that contain the bulb, planting soil and a pot and can usually be found in stores around Thanksgiving. Kits cost anywhere from $12 to $30 USD but bulbs
Litchi Pests
Litchi or lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) is a native fruit of China and has been grown in the United States since 1873. The fruit grows on 40-foot-tall, dense trees with pinnate, leathery foliage. The branches start to grow very low on the trunk. Litchi grows best in regions with warm, humid summer
How to Harvest Cannellini Beans
Cannellini beans arrived in the United States in the early 1800s from Europe. The large, white and kidney-shaped bean is a staple of Italian cuisine, appearing in dishes by itself or in combination with other foods, such as minestrone soup. The annual vine grows 6 to 10 feet long in warm weather. Ca
How to Care for Marigolds in Winter
Marigolds are outdoor flowers capable of surviving during the cold winter months as long as you properly prepare the ground for the cold season. A properly prepared garden has plenty of mulch to ensure the marigolds retain their moisture throughout the winter, which leads to flowering during the sum
Uses for Internal Frankincense
Frankincense is mostly known as an incense that can be burned for the aromas it produces.PHOTO 24/Brand X Pictures/Getty ImagesFrankincense, one of the oldest forms of incense, is burned so it can be inhaled, according to Mountain Rose Herbs. However, frankincense is sometimes consumed as...
How to Grow a Tall Sunflower
Sunflowers are a cheerful and beautiful addition to any garden. However, there are many different types of sunflowers, and growing the taller variety requires a little patience, and, of course, a lot of sun. Sunflowers can grow over 10 feet tall and dislike shade, so keep that in mind when deciding
Growing a Beech Nut Tree
Beech trees are closely related to oaks, and share their tall, elegant growth and wide shading branches. Beeches, also know as American beeches, are widely distributed throughout the US, and are the only beech trees native to this country. Their beauty and long life make them popular landscaping and
How to Tell When a Sugar Baby Watermelon Is Ripe
Sugar baby watermelons are a hybrid bred for small vine and fruit size. Fruits can weigh between 10 and 18 pounds when mature. They are warm-weather plants and thrive on full sun and heat. In temperate climates, an early start is recommended by starting them indoors in containers. According to Burpe
How to Grow Purslane Indoors
Purslane has come into fashion in recent years in North America with the realization that its leaves can be eaten as a source of omega-3, dietary fiber and vitamin C. It has been prized as a healing herb in parts of Asia and Europe for much longer. Purslane is a hardy annual that can be grown indoor
How to Measure Male and Female Hose Couplings
Pipe couplings are used to connect pipes or other pipe components to one another. Both male and female couplings are required to form a tight seal on a pipe. The male coupling is threaded into the female coupling, then the pipe connection is tightened by turning an outer ring. In order for these cou
Assorted Coreopsis Flowers
Native to much of the U.S., coreopsis is a perennial wildflower that has endeared itself to gardeners all over the country. Depending upon which of the many species of coreopsis you choose to grow, the plants thrive in US Department of Agriculture zones 3 to 9. Sun-loving and easy to care for, core
How Much Water Does a Eucalyptus Tree Need?
While eucalyptus trees are synonymous with Australia and koalas, they can also thrive in some parts of the U.S. As with any tree, knowing the proper watering requirements is crucial when caring for a eucalyptus tree.
How to Plant an English Flowering Garden
English gardens are known for their color and soft, flowing flower beds. The plants look like they occur naturally where they are placed. Use plants with different shapes, textures and colors in your design. English gardens mix grass with flower beds. The flower beds should be packed with plants and
How to Put Up Okra in a Food Saver
Preserving your produce by freezing it helps to retain the nutritional value. It also lets you save money if you buy in-season produce at lower prices. Freezer burn is one of the culprits that can ruin your preservation efforts. If you use a Food Saver appliance to put up your produce, you can safel
Hardy Garden Plants
Black-eyed Susan thrives in a variety of eyed susan flower image by Jim Mills from Fotolia.comFinding plants to fit into the garden can be a challenge, but acquiring hardy garden plants that can survive in unfavorable growing and weather conditions can be even more daunting....