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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
Cinnamon Fern Plants
Cinnamon fern has leafy fronds and thin fronds.Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty ImagesCinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea) has green, leafy fronds and thin fronds with light brown hairs. The brown color and the stick shape of the thin fronds give the plant the name "cinnamon." It grows in...
A List of Flowers
Gardens of all types, sizes and themes can benefit from the addition of flowers. The most successful integration of flowers into a landscaping scheme is one that seeks to use the greatest strength of the flower in question to create a positive impact on the surrounding elements of the garden or yard
How to Shape an Oak Tree
Oak trees stand tall in the forest or the garden, offering shade, a home for wildlife and a mighty, awe-inspiring beauty. Hundreds of varieties of oak exist, many native to America. Oaks require little trimming, other than the removal of dead or damaged branches, although the threat of oak wilt infe
Red Poppy Flower Information
The red poppy is one of the world's most popular wildflowers. Its brilliant, blood-red blooms spot the countryside in many temperate regions where it's often found in corn fields, giving it the nickname "corn poppy" or "corn rose." Red poppy is often mistaken for the opium poppy, due to their simila
How to Add Topsoil to a Flower Bed
Adding topsoil to a flowerbed may be necessary to change the grade of an existing bed, to raise it slightly. While it's tempting to simply purchase a bag of commercially produced topsoil, you should understand what is in the mix before buying. The Louisiana State University Extension recommends purc
How to Start an Avocado Plant from Seed
Whether you want a houseplant or a mature tree, starting an avocado plant from seed is easy and fun. Using a few basic household items to start the process, you will soon see a stem and roots growing from the seed. The other end of the process will take a bit longer, however, as it will be seven to
How to Care for the Flower Mums
Chrysanthemums, or mums as they are usually called, are very hearty plants. They come in a large variety of colors and shapes. Their blooms last for weeks and there are a large number of them per plant. They last for a long time and survive even harsh winters. They are great for mass planting. They
How to Care for a Bamboo Flyrod
Fly fishing involves patience and consideration when working to make the big catch, and the type of equipment used varies by the preference of the fisher himself. Modern rods can be made of graphite or other manmade materials, but many older rods, and those imitating a classic look, are made of natu
How to Store Ground Flax Seed
Flax seeds adds a natural, vegetarian source of healthy fats and vitamin E to your diet. Grinding these seeds renders them into the most digestible form, as whole seeds can pass straight through the body, notes the Flax Council of Canada. Due to the high amount of oil in the seeds, rancidity can se
Landscaping Ideas for a 12-by-16 Three-Tier Flower Bed
Raised flower beds are attractive and make gardening easier.John Foxx/Stockbyte/Getty ImagesTiered flower beds offer efficient space in a small yard or garden, but they can also make for elegant or unusual displays when thoughtfully laid out. Using tiers, you can transform a basic...
Decorations Made With Natural Tree Branches
Nature's bounty supplies crafty, creative people with an abundance of beauty with which to adorn their homes. Making your own decorations for a specific holiday or to keep year-round can be a pleasurable exercise. You can easily express yourself through creating decorations made of tree branches.
What Are the Major Nutrients Required to Grow Green Peppers?
Sweet, juicy green peppers are a gardener's delight, but getting those big, blocky peppers can be a challenge. Understanding the major nutrient needs of peppers can help you avoid raising green peppers with stunted growth, thin walls, and problems like blossom end rot. Boost your vegetable garden's
DIY Outdoor Cooler
Camping trips are a favorite outdoor activity for many American families. When the temperature rises in the summer and a cool place is needed for storing perishable food, coolers are the go-to choice for most. Unfortunately, on extended trips, a conventional cooler is useful only for a short time. W
How to Pinch Mums
Mums are a wonderful choice to add to any home or garden. The available species of mums is nearly endless and the array of colors and styles of mums can be mesmerizing. Once you start growing mums, you may find yourself wanting more of them. You can easily care for them and enjoy beautiful blooms fo
Soaking Castor Beans
A castor plant is an annual plant that can grow 6 to 15 feet in one season if it receives full sunlight and enough heat and moisture. After soaking and planting the castor beans, the plants will grow quite rapidly with little care. Keep children or pets away while soaking or planting the beans becau
Alphabetical Listing of Herbicides
Dandelions are pretty, but they are still a target for weed killers.dandelion image by Alison Bowden from Fotolia.comHerbicides come in two different types: pre-emergent and post-emergent. Within those two groups you can find herbicides that are systemic, which means that they kill the...
EPA Methods of Chemical Analysis for Soil
Soil analysis results will help you keep your garden and lawn healthy.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty ImagesThe Environmental Protection Agency establishes analytical test methods for constituents found naturally in the environment and others that are present through human activities. If...
Dogwood Tree Bark Disease
Dogwoods require little more than full sun (at least 6 hours a day) and well draining soil. Mulch is appropriate, too, but it should never come within 3 feet of the tree trunk. Removal of dead branches and raking away of fallen leaves is also necessary. However, even when these precautions are taken
Tips on Growing Portulaca
Properly raised portulaca plants will add an amazing dash of color and style to any garden. With flowers that resemble roses and grow red, white, orange, pink and yellow, these plants can brighten up even the dullest garden. Also called moss rose, this plant grows to be about 6 inches tall, and has