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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
Lucrative Plants to Grow in a Greenhouse
Decorative cut flowers are among the most lucrative greenhouse plants.Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty ImagesThe revival of the home garden, which in most cases resulted from the desire for fresh herbs and vegetables, has produced a generation of budding botanists. A personal greenhouse is...
Why Squash Leaves Turn Yellow
Vine crops, including squash, depend heavily upon steady watering and soil rich in nitrogen for green leaves. Over- or under-watering, nitrogen-depleted earth, transplant shock and bacterial disease can contribute to yellowing squash leaves.
Information About the Lacy Tree Fern
Lacy tree fern, a houseplant when grown in most of the United States, makes a beautiful landscape addition in the southernmost portions of the country. Although lacy tree ferns are susceptible to pests, they seldom do much damage and are treatable with standard pesticides.
Is a Peony Toxic to a Cat?
The Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet on peonies boasts that "few herbaceous plants can rival them for floral display and foliage." The hardy peony blooms in brilliant color and fragrance in gardens throughout the United States and Canada. The peony is, however, toxic to cats.
How to Grow a Potato Using Toothpicks and a Cup
While you may be accustomed to growing plants from seeds or transplants, it is possible to propagate plants using alternative methods. In some instances, you can grow a completely new plant by using a whole fruit or vegetable or just a portion of it. Such is the case with potatoes. Potato plants pro
How A Pathogenic Fungus Invades a Plant
If you've ever watched a pumpkin patch slowly succumb to powdery mildew or lost a beloved house plant to root rot, you know the toll fungal diseases may take on plants. Fungi are the most common plant pathogens, according to the University of Missouri Extension.
Weed Control Tools
Controlling weeds is a basic part of weeding image by MichMac from Fotolia.comWeeding is a constant chore for most gardeners, but the proper weed control tool makes the task faster and easier. "A weed in a home landscape is defined as a plant in an undesirable location,"...
How to Transplant Tulips From Pot to Flower Bed
Tulips are hardy bulbs that bloom outdoors in spring only after experiencing temperatures of 35 to 50 degrees for 14 to 15 weeks. They can also be placed in pots and forced to bloom at other times of the year. To provide quick color, you may transplant potted tulips into your garden in the spring ju
Pecan Tree Uses
The pecan nut from the pecan treepecans image by Stephen Orsillo from Fotolia.comThe pecan tree has many different varieties and uses. Varieties of pecan trees include Sioux, Pawnee, Wichita, Melrose, Cheyenne, Desirable, and Western. Farmers grow pecan trees commercially mostly for the...
Japanese Dessert Plum Tree Varieties
A good tree flowering can mean a good fruit yield.japanese plum blossoms image by Craig Hanson from Fotolia.comJapanese dessert plums are prized for their tangy, juicy sweetness. Their large size and enticing flavor make Japanese dessert plums a favorite for eating as fresh fruits. Unlike...
How to Plant Onions From an Onion
Homegrown vegetables always have more flavor and taste than store-purchased products, including onions. Most homegrown onions start with seeds or what is called seed sets, but Egyptian and potato onion varieties can grow from vegetative parts of the original onion plant. Potato, or multiplier, onion
How Fast Do Marigolds Grow?
Few annuals match the prolific marigold in flower performance and longevity. This popular companion bloom comes in heights that range from 6 inches to 4 feet, with spreading habits that encompass as much as 3 feet per plant. Use marigolds as bedding plants, as a border for a perennial garden or in p
Description of the Peace Rose
The Peace rose, a rose cultivar with a storied history, brightens gardens throughout the world with its arresting color. The American Rose Society, a prominent rose organization, ranks roses on a 1 to 10 scale. The society ranks the Peace rose a 9, making it one of the most valued rose varieties.
Cactuses in Deserts
The majority of cacti are found in desert and semi-desert areas. Cacti are found throughout the world in suitable climates, but the native habitats of cacti are the deserts and semi-desert areas found on the American continents. Cacti range from South America north into Canada. It is estimated that
Pendulous Evergreen Trees
Some evergreen species naturally have drooping or weeping branches, while for other trees, you can find cultivars that exhibit this trait. The graceful shape of pendulous evergreens adds beauty to your yard.
Tree Pruning & Care
Pruning improves the health and appearance of trees; encourages the development of fruits, nuts or flowers; and eliminates hazards. Comprehensive pruning includes removal of dead branches and areas of infestation or disease. Trees should be inspected for damage following storms or heavy snowfall.
Tips for Pruning a Tomato Plant
Proper pruning helps produce large tomatoes.tomato plants image by JLycke from Fotolia.comMany tomatoes grow on vine-like plants that require support to remain upright. Along with cages, stakes are a popular way to keep the your tomatoes off the ground, but the vines will require pruning....
How Often Do You Water Poinsettia Plants?
A common holiday plant, the poinsettia produces large red leaves that encircle the tiny yellow flowers of the plant. The plant is difficult to raise in the home environment once it has been removed from the commercial greenhouse but it can be maintained through the holiday season.
Installation of Rainwater Tanks
Installing a rainwater tank will help you save money and conserve drinking water. A rainwater tank captures rainwater, which you can then use for all household water needs except drinking. If you are going to use your rainwater tank for faucets and toilet flushing, you will need to hire a licensed p
Can You Transplant a Cherry Tree in the Spring?
Cherries grow as decorative and fruiting trees but always bloom with bright white or pink flowers in the spring. It's important to plant or transplant cherries trees in late winter or early spring, before blooming occurs.