Information About the Lacy Tree Fern
- Native to the lowland tropical areas along the eastern coast of Australia, the lacy tree fern can be grown outdoors in only a small portion of the continental United States.
- High humidity levels, rich soil that is well-drained but moist and full shade are necessary for the lacy tree fern to do its best. It will tolerate other soil conditions, but the shade and moisture are essential.
- Lacy tree fern, which is one of the largest ferns, may reach 18 feet in height while the fronds, which form an umbrella shape that radiates from the top, may have a 6-foot spread. The trunk, which is more slender than other tree ferns, may be as much as 1 foot across.
- The slender trunk of the lacy tree fern is plainly marked with the scars from the old fronds that have previously broken off the trunk. The fronds, lacy and bright green, grow very fast.
- Unlike some tree fern species, lacy tree fern can only be propagated from the spores. Vegetative propagation is not possible as there are no offsets produced by the plant from either the roots or the trunk.