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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
How to Fertilize a Shrub
It is easy to forget that shrubs need to be fertilized regularly throughout their growing season. If they were fertilized when they were first planted, the plants will be starving eight weeks later. Their response to low nutrients is fewer flowers, weak, spindly growth and more susceptibility to ins
Germinating Quince Seeds
The flowering quince bush adds a dramatic burst of color in late winter or early spring, a time when few plants are blooming. It is not difficult to start your own quince seeds indoors, although it can be a lengthy process until the plants are ready for outdoor planting. You may start the seeds, in
What Other Pests Are Harmful to the Cotton Plant Besides the Boll Weevil?
Cotton plants can fall prey to a variety of insect pests.cotton field in contrast with blue sky image by lulu from Fotolia.comAlthough the boll weevil is well known as a destructive pest to cotton plants, there are also several other insects that can do substantial damage to cotton crops,...
Types of Redwood Trees
Among those varied and striking conifers that constitute the cypress family, three extraordinary species that belong to the subfamily Sequoioideae deserve special mention. Sometimes collectively called the "redwoods," each in its way is superlative: One thought extinct millions of years ago was re-d
The Best Way to Keep Weeds Out of a New Flower Bed
The best way to keep weeds out of new flower beds is to prepare yourself to fight them before you plant your first marigold seedling or sow your first zinnia seed. A little bit of forethought and effort will go a long way toward weed control, and definitely gives you the upper hand against weeds whe
Shade-Loving Blooming Shrubs
Shrubs are one of the best ways to spice up and decorate a yard. Depending upon which planting zone you live in, there are many shade-loving options to choose from.
Wood Properties of the Fruitless Mulberry Tree
Mulberry tree in summer foliageschwarze maulbeeren image by romy mitterlechner from Fotolia.comMulberry trees are native to both North America and Asia. In North America, the fruitless tree is found mainly in the eastern half of the United States and Canada. In Asia, the mulberry tree is...
The Best Organic Vegetable Seeds
Using organic seeds in your garden can help plants thrive in organic growing conditions.Basket of Garden Vegetables image by Karin Lau from Fotolia.comIf you want to plant an organic garden, it is best to start with organic seeds. Seeds that are not produced organically can be exposed to...
How to Buy Spruce Trees
An ideal Christmas tree, a spruce has a conical form that looks equally at home in traditional or informal plantings. Spruces also have a variety of colors and forms ranging from the weeping blue spruce (Picea pungens "Pendula") to the chubby "Fat Albert." Spruces have problems that aren't an issue
Life Expectancy for Flowering Cherry Trees
Flowering cherry trees are known for their flowers rather than the fruit they bear. The life expectancy of the trees varies by variety, as well as growing and climate conditions. Average life expectancies assume adequate moisture, normal conditions and no environmental damage.
How to Cut Rose Plants in a Garden
The method used to cut roses can cause injury to the plant or help the plant to thrive, according to the Michigan State University Extension. How you cut your roses influences the production of blooms and the patterns of growth. Whether you are pruning roses to control growth, cutting the roses to d
Edible Plant Seeds
Seeds like pistachio nuts are extremely nutritious.Jupiterimages/ ImagesSeeds are actually one of the most nutritious parts of the plants and can be found in grocery stores or farmers markets. Normally, these parts of the plants are used exclusively for reproduction, with...
How to Grow Humongous Tomatoes
Of all the vegetables that you can grow at home, tomatoes are the most popular in America's backyards, reports the University of Missouri. Although tomatoes are relatively low-maintenance in nature, providing your tomato plant with the optimal growing environment can improve the vigor of your plant
How to maintain the Care of Aloe Vera Plants - Growing Aloe Vera Plant
Aloe vera is a succulent, which in fact is 95 percent water. The plant may be grown indoors or out, flourishing in the warm temperatures of U.S. Department of Agriculture planting zone 9, where the average low temperature doesn't drop below 20 degrees F.
My Weeping Fig Plant Has Curling Leaves
Weeping fig trees are ficus trees that are grown as bonsai trees or houseplants in temperate areas because the trees are tropical. The weeping fig produces flat, dark green leaves, and the tree can be shaped through pruning and wrapping the branches to take on a traditional weeping appearance. If th
What Is the Rate of Growth for a Tall Hedge?
A hedge -- a natural border created by dense bushes and shrubs -- can be used to mark a property boundary, create privacy or provide landscaping beauty. Plants that develop into hedges grow at varying rates, depending on climate, soil conditions, access to sunlight and water availability. The keys t
How to Get Rid of Cockle-Burrs
Getting rid of cockle-burrs (Xanthium strumarium) is a priority for some people who graze animals in open pastures, and also for people with pets that come home with the burrs stuck to their coats. Not only do these burrs create discomfort for the animals, the young plants contain toxins that can ma
Methods to Revive a Dead Lawn
Dead lawns are generally the result of improper horticultural practices. Poor watering routines, a thick layer of thatch, improper fertilization application and low mower blades can kill a lawn in no time. By using the best techniques for maintaining the yard, you can revive your dead...
How Do Plants Obtain Water?
Need for WaterLike all living things, plants need water to survive. Plants use water to maintain their shape, obtain energy through photosynthesis, collect dissolved nutrients from the soil, transfer small molecules throughout the plant, and cool off leaves in hot weather through...
Hibiscus and Whiteflies
Whiteflies can damage or even kill hibiscus plants.Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty ImagesThe hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensi) is a popular landscape plant for warm climates due to its large, brightly colored blooms. Flowers can reach up to 6 inches in diameter and come in a range of...