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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
What Is an Air Ionizer?
Three different air filtration systems are popular in the U.S. today: the HEPA system, the air ionization system and the ozone generation system. The only one of these that has been clinically proven to work and has no replaceable filters or other maintenance costs is the air ionization system. It i
Information on the Mimosa
The mimosa (Albizia julibrissin), a native of Asia, can attain a height of 35 to 40 feet. It forms a vase shape as a single-trunked tree or a multistemmed shrub with a width of up to 30 feet. It produces graceful, fernlike foliage that measures up to 8 inches long and 4 inches wide. The fragrant flo
Why Does Weedkiller Kill Weeds & Not Plants?
Weeds can be suppressed through mulching, pulled by hand or eradicated by placing chemicals on them that prevent or hamper their growth. A conscientious gardener uses only the amounts and types of chemicals absolutely necessary to control unwanted growth. Because some weedkillers will destroy all ve
How to Grow Daffodil Bulbs
Daffodils are a wildly popular flowering plants that produce bright yellow blooms in the shape of a trumpet. They are hardy and easy to care for--and usually among the first flowers to bloom in spring--which makes them a top pick for home gardens or houseplants. Growing daffodils from their bulbs is
What Causes a Queen Palm Tree to Turn Yellow?
Queen palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana) earns its royal name because it makes a stately landscape specimen. The tree grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. Grown in preferred conditions and with required nutrients, queen palm fronds are green, with no signs of yellowi
Creative Pruning Techniques for Redbud Trees
Many people in Northern America enjoy redbud trees, as they break out with thousands of pink to purple blooms in early spring. These ornamental trees don't usually get larger than 30 feet, making them rather easy to care for. Many people think that pruning trees is easy, but if it's done incorrectly
How to Cage a Tomato
Tomato plants usually grow to 4 to 6 feet tall, with some varieties growing up to 12 feet. Tomato plants require support because they are leafy and delicate, while the fruit they produce is heavy. If tomato plants are not properly supported, the fruit either will sink to the ground and rot, or break
Bird Feeders That Keep Grackles Out
Grackles are slightly smaller than crows, and they've got voracious appetites for whatever you're putting in your birdfeeders, but sunflower seeds are among their favorites. They appear in most of our backyards in the spring and hang around until the fall. Luckily, their size makes it easy to discou
How Much Water Do Giant Calla Lilies Need?
Calla lilies (Zantedeschia aethiopica) are one of the few plants that thrive in a constantly damp or boggy location in the garden. Groupings of calla lilies, also known as callas, have graced gardens for hundreds of years. Calla lilies are quite adaptable, growing in both sunny and shaded locations.
Pruning A Yucca
Yuccas are native to the Southwestern U.S. and are very drought tolerant. They are evergreen and most grow straight, stiff, spiked leaves. The flowers are borne on upright stalks and are creamy to pure white. Yuccas are fast growing and can become quite large, so it is best to plant them in an out-o
Fuchsia Gall Mite
Fuchsia gall mites (Aculops fuchsiae) are tiny, worm-like eriophyid mites native to Brazil. T. Kona from The California Department of Food and Agriculture discovered this invasive pest inside infested fuchsia plants in San Francisco County, California in 1981. Since then fuchsia gall mites have spre
When & How to Prune Holly Bushes?
The bright, lush evergreen color of the holly bush can make it an attractive addition to the landscape. Its abundant berries will also serve as an attraction for birds and wildlife. Holly bushes don't require regular or extensive pruning, but some pruning can be employed to maintain a symmetrical an
How to Build a Warmer Box for Food
I live in an area where recycling isn't available, so I'm always on the look out for projects that let me reuse things that might otherwise be thrown away. Here's a simple and free idea using recycled items for keeping food warm during transport, or even at home while you're waiting for the rest of
How to Prune Suckers
Suckers are horizontal branches that grow from the root systems of trees. Typically, sucker growth indicates that the tree has undergone stress, including the stress of excessive pruning. Gardeners should prune suckers from their trees, though, because these branches use up vital nutrients and moist
How to Grow Lilacs From Seeds
Lilac bushes are relatively low-maintenance plants that provide colorful flower blossoms in springtime. While mature lilac bushes are simple to take care of, lilac seedlings require special care and attention. Growing lilacs from seeds requires some background knowledge about lilac growing condition
Raw Pumpkin Seeds & Parasites
When parasites enter the body, they can alter the work of the immune system and damage the lining of the gut. While there are several prescription medications that can rid the body of infection, natural remedies can by effective as well. Raw pumpkin seeds, which can be found at local grocery and hea
Rose Garden & Aphids
Rose aphids (Macrosiphum rosae) only attack roses and hollies. These host-specific aphids lay eggs on rose canes where they survive over winter. Once they hatch, the larvae immediately begin feeding on the plant foliage and flowers.
How to Save Rose Seeds
Rose seeds are under the spent blooms in seedpods called rose hips. Once you harvest the rose hips, you must sterilize the seeds for storage. Storing rose seeds in the refrigerator stratifies them, preparing them for planting. You can also store rose seeds at room temperature to save them for a long
What Is Acacia Decurrens?
Acacia decurrens, commonly known as black wattle or green wattle, is an evergreen tree native to Australian regions of New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria. It is a member of the legume family, and closely resembles the mimosa tree.
How to Cultivate Morning Glory Seeds
Gardeners love morning glory for its ability to climb and cover anything they put in its way. A quick-growing flowering vine, morning glory is an easy-care annual that can become a bit of a nuisance, self-seeding in areas in which it isn't welcome. Easy to start from seed, plant the morning glory se