How to Save Rose Seeds
- 1). Wait for the blooms on the rose plant to begin to fade. The calyx tube, which is the portion of the plant below the sepal, begins to enlarge on viable blossoms. If the entire flower browns, ignore the rose hips of that flower because the seeds are not viable.
- 2). Cut the swollen, mature rose hips off the plant with garden shears. They may be green, red or orange in color.
- 3). Cut the rose hips open with a knife. Fill a glass with water and add 1 tsp. bleach. Take the seeds out of the rose hips and drop them in the bleach water. Discard any seeds that float. Carefully drain the water and pat the remaining seeds dry with a paper towel.
- 4). Place the seeds in an airtight container and store them at room temperature in a dry place. If you want to prepare them for germination, add moist peat moss to the container and keep it in the refrigerator for 45 to 60 days.