How to Divide Sweet Autumn Glory Clematis
- 1). Trim the vine to a height of 6 to 12 inches, using sharp pruning shears. Make cuts just above a leaf node, which is the small bump on the stem where leaves emerge.
- 2). Dig around the root zone with a sharp spade.
- 3). Work the spade beneath the roots carefully, until they are loose enough to be easily lifted from the ground.
- 4). Grasp the vine at the base of the stem, near the roots, and remove it from the soil.
- 5). Cut the roots into clumps with a sharp knife. Make certain that each divided clump contains a minimum of two shoots and a 3- to 4-inch portion of the roots.
- 6). Replant the newly divided sweet autumn glory clematis immediately to keep the roots from drying out. Water until the soil feels very moist.