How to Tell When a Sugar Baby Watermelon Is Ripe
- 1). Write down the date the seed was planted and calculate what date 75 days from then will be. This will be the point at which to start looking at fruit for ripeness.
- 2). Examine fruits at the calculated date. Weigh them with a scale, being careful not to disconnect them from the vine. They should weigh at least 10 pounds.
- 3). Wait longer and re-examine in about five to seven days, if the fruits are not heavy enough. If they weigh between 10 and 18 pounds, go on to the next steps.
- 1). Look at the ground spot where the melon has been resting against the soil or mulch. If ripe, the ground spot's color should be a dull, creamy yellow. If it is green or white, the melon is not ripe.
- 2). Look at the rind. It should be dull-colored and somewhat rough to the touch and be difficult to indent with your thumbnail if the melon is ripe.
- 3). Examine the stem where the melon attaches to the vine. If the stem is brown and dry, this indicates ripeness. Look at the tendrils on the stem near where the melon attaches to the vine. If these are brown and dry, that is a further indication of ripeness.
- 4). Perform the traditional thump test. When the melon is thumped with a knuckle, hearing a dull thud instead of a ringing, sharp sound indicates ripeness. The University of Illinois Extension Service recommends using the other signs of ripeness over the thump test, which is considered less reliable.
- 5). If there are several signs of ripeness present, harvest the melon by cutting the stem with garden shears or scissors. Store at room temperature for up to two weeks at 45 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, less than two weeks if room temperature is higher, until ready to cut and eat.