How Do IP Address and Host Server Influence SEO?
Web Definition of IP Address: IP address stands for Internet Protocol Address. It is a unique numeral label separated by periods that identifies each computer attached to the internet. It serves on two basic principles host identification and location addressing.
When you perform SEO activities, do change of IP address and host Access affect search engine optimization rankings? It's reliant upon factors like domain names, links and target audience.
Domain name
First and foremost check you have secured a standard domain name. If you have standard dot com domain name then there might be less issues with changing IP address and host servers. But if you have regional domain names like .uk, .au, .in. respectively for UK, Australia and India, you have to think about many other issues as well.
Back Links and Target audience
Take into deliberation from where most of your back links are coming? Your website is serving for which country and where is most of your target audience located? If your host server is US based and you get most of your back links from India, this may confuse search engine and affect your search engine rankings.
Search engine looks for both IP address and host Access and how well it matches up with content you provide in your website. Let's say, if you have secured .uk domain name and your host server is located in United Kingdom. is the sending most of the traffic to your website. Your target audience is also UK based. Search engine matches this up with your content and considers that your content is UK centric.
Though you have host server in India. Your target audience and most of your back links are from UK, there is not much significance with your host server, target audience and content of your website. Search engine may lower your rankings due to the irrelevancy of content, target audience and domain name.
To overcome this issue of change of IP address and host server, keep in mind, where your audience and host server is located. Search engine will give high priorities to the websites that have host server located in a particular country and gets back links and referrals from the same country and its targeted audience also belong to that country only.
However if you have well planned SEO strategies to boost your website's rankings, then these issues may not affect your rankings as much. Your SEO experts will make sure you get back links from highly authorized websites and keep your targeted keywords in mind while deliver relevant content. It may lessen up possibilities of affecting your website's search engine rankings. As a website owner, if you are also concerned about these issues and want to hire expert SEO firm, you can contact us at