How to Make Deer Horn Crafts
- 1). Match the size and length or your knife blade with your deer antler--or vice versa. Choose an antler with a fairly straight or slightly curved appearance that will fit comfortably in your hand. Cut the knife tang to fit the handle. If it's a wedge-shaped tang, you may have to cut the tang to length and also cut material off the tang toward the hilt.
- 2). Soak the antler in water until the core softens enough to insert the knife tang into the core. This could take a few days or as long as one month. Test the core's readiness by gently poking it with your finger or tang. It should "give" slightly and show an impression where you pressed.
- 3). Tape the knife blade with plenty of Duct Tape to prevent cutting yourself.
- 4). Secure the knife portion of the blade in a padded vice. Position the blade so that only the tang is protruding upward. Place a hilt on the tang and secure it tightly up to the blade.
- 5). Drill a hole in the end of the antler to accept the tang. You can cut the wider end of the antler completely off, leaving a large opening. If necessary, make a second and third drill hole to fit the tine into the antler handle, gradually making the opening large enough for the tang. Apply a small amount of epoxy into the antler opening.
- 6). Insert the tang into the end of the antler and into the marrow. This will take considerable effort. Firmly work the tang all the way to the hilt, creating a tight fit and ensuring that the epoxy, antler, hilt and tang all make good contact. If at all possible, do not begin the process over by removing the tang. The hole you've already created will close up. Do all you can to work the tang tightly into the marrow.
- 7). Let the knife and handle dry at least one day. Finish the handle by sanding away any epoxy and burrs. Stain the handle if you wish.