How to Make Yo-Yo Wreath Ornaments
Making the Yo-Yos
- 1). Decide what size yo-yos you need for your project. For the wreath, you'll need twelve 1 1/2-inch yo-yos.
- 2). Cut your fabric circles twice the size of the yo-yos, plus 1/2 inch. For example, since you need 1 1/2-inch yo-yos, you'll cut 3 1/2-inch circles.
- 3). Turn the edge of a circle toward the wrong side of the fabric, forming a 1/4-inch hem.
- 4). Make a small running stitch through both layers.
- 5). Begin to pull the thread, drawing the outer edges in to form a pouch.
- 6). Leave a hole wide enough to stuff quilt batting inside.
- 7). Insert just enough batting to puff up the yo-yo.
- 8). After filling it, pull the thread tighter, gathering the circle. The right side of the fabric should be facing out.
- 9). Tie a knot and clip off the extra thread.