How to Knit a Bunnie
- 1). Cast on 35 stitches and work in plain stockinette -- knit one row, purl one row -- to make a square of plain knitting. Bind off. Knit two together, slip the knitted stitch to the holder needle and repeat across. Cut the thread and pull the loose end through the last loop.
- 2). Mark points for sewing. Divide one edge of the knit fabric into fourths. Place pins to mark 1/4 of the way in from each edge. Place a pin on the opposite edge to mark the center. Divide the fabric into thirds going the other direction. Place a pin at the end of the first third in the center of the knit fabric. While you have the fabric folded in thirds, also mark the outer edges with a pin placed on the front 1/3 fold. These pins mark the front leg section. Unfold the fabric, and fold it in half with the fold running the same direction as the 1/3 fold. Place a pin on each edge on the 1/2 fold.
- 3). Thread a yarn needle with the same yarn used to make the fabric, to sew the head part. Leave a long tail at the beginning edge. Sew a semi-circle of running stitches starting at the 1/4 mark at the front edge, sewing through the point marked with the pin at the center of the 1/3 point and back to the other 1/4 mark on the front edge. Pull the stitches tight and tie off at the front to gather this section. Stuff and use the gather thread to sew up the chin. Do not cut the gathering thread. Sew back down the seam to the bottom edge of the front.
- 4). Bring the marker pins at the 1/4 mark to the head seam, to sew the front legs. Stitch the pin-marked points to the end of the chin seam using the gather thread. Sew the edges together to form the front legs.
- 5). Thread the needle with a new piece of yarn to sew the back legs. Bring the pin on the middle of the side edge to the pin in the center of the back edge. Stitch together. Sew the edges from the point to the pinned edge together. Repeat on the other side.
- 6). Stuff the legs and the body, then sew up the tummy seam to complete the body. Pull the legs forward. Stitch the back legs to the sides of the body. Stitch the toes of the front legs together.
- 7). Cast on six stitches to make the ears. Decrease by two stitches on each end of the row every other row, until only two stitches remain. Knit one more row, knit the last two stitches together, cut the thread and pull the end through the last loop. Thread the yarn needle, and stitch through the beginning end of the triangle. Pull tight, gathering the triangle end to form an ear. Stitch the ear to the side of the head using the end of the gather yarn. Repeat for other ear.
- 8). Wind yarn around a playing card 15 times to make the tail tuft and facial features. Slip the yarn from the card, tie another yarn piece firmly around the middle. Cut the loop ends and fluff the yarn to form a pom-pom. Sew to the rear of the bunny. Outline the eyes using a running stitch. Stitch the upper lid using a chain stitch, then satin stitch the eye. Use a chain stitch for the mouth and satin stitch the nose.