Calligraphy Pen Instructions
- 1). Unscrew the top half of the calligraphy fountain pen, and fill the ink reservoir. Dip the dip calligraphy pen in ink, and allow excess ink to drip back into the jar before using.
- 2). Hold the pen lightly between your thumb and index finger. Allow the pen to rest on the space between the ring finger and the thumb where the top of the pen rests on top of the knuckle of the ring finger.
- 3). Take a moment to relax. Practice calligraphy when you are in a relaxed mood. This will allow the curves to flow easily.
- 4). Move the pen with your wrist and arm movement, and avoid using your fingers to move the pen as you write.
- 5). Work with the Uncial alphabet, the most common of all calligraphy alphabets. Print the alphabet sheet and trace the letters on the printed sheet with your pen. Do this several times until you have a better understanding of the pen strokes and the letters.
- 6). Practice writing one letter at a time on a sheet of paper. Fill a full notebook page with a single practiced letter. Do this for all letters. Compare your writing to the correct pen stroke for the given letter. Keep each letter you practice as straight and as evenly sized as possible.