Video: Home Exercises With a Pulley for Lateral Shoulder Rotation
Video Transcript
Hi, it's Steve Pelletier. Today, we're going to talk about exercises you can do at home using a pulley for lateral shoulder rotation. Pulleys are great for shoulder work because they let you get into the deep muscle belly and work the deep muscles like the rotator cuff complex. The key with any shoulder pulley exercises is to keep it nice and light and under control so that you don't over tax and over work those deep muscles. Today we're at LA Workout in Camarillo and I'm going to show you two key exercises that you can do using the pulley to target those deep muscles in your shoulder girdle. The first exercise is the external rotation. The best way to do this is to put your elbow tight against your body, grab the pulley handle and slowly move your arm out away from your body, bring it back nice and slow as well, under control like I said keep it nice and light. The second exercise is what we call pouring a cup of tea and it's basically a one arm shoulder raise. So you grab the cable, you bring your arms out to a perpendicular position and you raise your arm and elbow up to the sky until it's parallel to the floor, slowly bring it down. Both of these pulley exercises work the deep shoulder muscles, strengthen the rotator cuff complex and reduce your risk for injury.