Coral Reef Animals of the Indo-Pacific

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Fly Fishing : Travel & Places

How Do I Tie a Braid to a Monofilament?

Connecting braided line to monofilament is a common issue for anglers. The lines have different characteristics and slip with many of the common knots. Braided line is flexible and thin and monfilament is stiff and large in diameter. Connecting braided line to monofilament is often desired when buil

Things To Consider When Looking for Fishing Charters

These days fishing Charters have become vacationer's favorite. It is an excellent way of fishing and getting yourself engaged into leisure activities. Most importantly, those looking for an exceptional sport fishing experience go the extra ...

How to Raise Fish in a Pond for a Profit

Stocking your pond with fish can be an excellent investment. Stocked ponds can be fished and the catch can be sold to people wanting fresh fish in your area. Also, you can charge fishermen to fish in your pond. The price per fish that you pay to stock the pond is pennies on the dollar compared to th

How to Fish With an Ocean Pole

Fishing in the ocean is a different from freshwater fishing. If you are going out for a big catch, be sure you have along the correct equipment. Certain tackle and a specific pole is needed for fishing in saltwater. Correctly preparing yourself to fish the ocean will improve your chances of landing

Fishing Net Problems

Fishing nets are used by commercial fishermen to increase their productivity, but it is this push for more fish that causes problems for marine life and boaters. Fishing nets are responsible for what is termed a "by catch," the unintended netting of species that the fishermen are not seeking. Enviro

How to Set a Hook with Zoom Bait

Zoom bait is a versatile bait that maneuvers successfully around weeds and wood. Giving the bait slight action by tugging the line as the bait falls to the floor of the water bed will attract hungry fish. But correct hooking of the bait is essential to maximize luring effects. Adhere to proper riggi

Gopher Frog Diet

The gopher frog is known for its slow snore-like mating call in the spring and its propensity to hide behind its own hands when frightened. The reclusive gopher frog has always been a rare site in the wild, but as environmental pressures on the species continue to increase, sightings are becoming ev

Fishing Tips Everyone Needs To Know About!

Fishing is one of the best recreational activities in the world. Catching fish is a great way to relax and enjoy time outdoors in nature. The better you are at fishing, the more fun it ...

2 Types Of Combination Alaska Guided Fishing Charters

If you're looking for a great fishing activity, one of the highly recommended locations you can visit is Alaska. It has been a prestigious location for fishing throughout the years and given birth to many ...

Types of Fishing Hooks

Hooks are one of the most important tools that fishermen have in their arsenal. Considered a part of terminal tackle, hooks are used for live bait and plastic baits and come standard on the fishing lures that anglers buy in the store. Now made of various forms of steel, fishing hooks over the years

Good Fishing Holes on the Allegheny River Near Kittanning, Pennsylvania

The Allegheny River offers a host of good fishing holes among its twists and bends.river image by blaine stiger from Fotolia.comThe Allegheny River is known for its fishing, which in mild winters can be done year-round. The river is home to muskellunge, smallmouth bass and catfish. And...

How to Attach a Leg Rope to a Surfboard

Novice and expert surfers alike share at least one thing -- the inevitability of wiping out. Necessity being the mother of invention, the leg rope -- or surf leash -- was born. In the event of a wipe out, the rope keeps the board and surfer tethered. A proper string length and knot ensure that the l

Threatened & Endangered Species in California

California is home to all types of species. From the rare Palos Verdes blue butterfly to the colossal blue whale, in California you can see animals of almost any shape and size. Unfortunately, a variety of animals in the state are threatened and endangered. If these species aren't protected, then th

How to Catch Croakers & Pin Fish in North Carolina

Croakers and pinfish are used by saltwater anglers as bait for larger game fish such as grouper. Growing up to 2 pounds in size, croaker and pinfish are commonly found in shallow inshore waters. Anglers that frequent the North Carolina Crystal Coast and Outer Banks are well aware of the potential th

What Happens if You Break the Seal in "Zenonia"?

In the role-playing adventure game, "Zenonia," players develop both the morality of their character, who is named Regret, and the tactics he uses in battle. In the course of his journey, he must deal with various magical seals that evil forces wish to use to increase their power and influe

Hire Deep Sea Charter for Gummy Shark Fishing

There is nothing unusual about it in Australian waters. Regarded as an incredible sport, gummy shark fishing can be experimented if you hire a deep sea fishing charter. These waters offer not only a variety ...

How to Make Ornamental Thread Wraps on a Fly Rod

Thread wraps are used to secure guides to a fly rod. If you would like to attach a new guide to your fly rod, you can attach it with an ornamental thread wrap. The guide on your fly rod has two parts. The foot is the part that connects to the fly rod. The loop is the part that sticks out of the pole

Fishing Reef - Something to know

Arrecife relates to a submerged ridge of rock or coral near the surface of the water. When we talk about fishing on reefs, we refer to bait fishing from a reef. This type of fishing ...