How to Use a Gut Hook
- 1). Turn the game animal on its back with the stomach up and the legs spread apart.
- 2). Poke the tip of the knife blade through the skin where the bottom of the rib cage comes together. Slit the skin up to the animal's chin using the blade of the knife.
- 3). Return to the start of the cut. Turn the knife blade over so the gut hook is down and the sharp side of the blade is up.
- 4). Slip the hook into the cut skin and pull the knife down toward the animal's tail slitting the skin as you pull.
- 5). Peel back the skin to expose the thin membrane covering the intestines. Make a 2-inch long slit in the membrane at the rib cage using the knife tip. Turn the knife over and place the hook just under the membrane and pull the knife down to the tail slitting the membrane open.
- 6). Proceed with the field dressing.