Commercial Fishing in Belize
- Spiny lobster, queen conch and shrimp are the most important species in Belizean fisheries. Fish sought for the export market include grouper, snapper, mackerel and barracuda. Other fish, including tarpon, grunts and snooks, are mostly destined for local consumption.
- Fishing occupied nearly 1,700 people in 2003 and total production topped out at 15,353 metric tons. The gross value of fisheries in 2004 was $53.4 million USD. Shrimp made up the lion's share of export earnings from fisheries, followed by lobster and conch, according to the FAO. By 2006, exports totaled 25.6 million pounds, earning $53.4 million USD.
- Most fishermen in Belize are artisanal, employing open boats, sloops and canoes. More than 550 boats are employed by artisanal fishermen, most of whom belong to local cooperatives. Shrimping is conducted both by artisanal fisherman and by modern trawlers. Shrimp landings peaked in the 1980s at 145 metric tons, dropping to 74 MT in 2004.