How to Fish for Washington River Salmon
- 1). Cast spoons and spinners from the shore into pools and stretches of slow-moving river. Cast upstream and reel the lure back in as it drifts downstream through the current. Wade out through the shallow water and cast into the deeper water. Silver and gold spoons and spinners are the best choices. Brightly colored salmon plugs also work when other lures do not attract salmon strikes.
- 2). Drift salmon roe through the river current. Rig this by sliding a little corky ball on the line, followed by a size 1/0 hook with a two-inch strip of bright yarn tied to it. Tie a swivel onto the line two to four feet above the hook with a one-inch strip of rubber tubing pushed onto the swivel end, push a piece of pencil lead into the tubing, as much as is needed to put the roe on the bottom. Stab the hook through the roe and tie the roe to the hook with the yarn. Cast upstream and let the weight bounce the roe bait along the bottom.
- 3). Fish off the bottom of the river with a method known as "plunking." Tie a pyramid sinker to the end of the line; the amount of weight is dependent on the strength of the current. Tie in a two- to four-foot length of 15-lb. leader two to four feet up the line and tie a large-winged bobber or flatfish to the leader. Cast out into the river and let the weight hold the lure in one place where it will spin and wiggle in the current. This method works best in bigger rivers such as the Columbia.
- 4). Troll with a boat and motor in the wide mouths of the rivers at tidewater and above. Set up the line by tying either a large salmon plug, a spoon or a spinner to the end and a trolling sinker three feet up the line. Troll this behind the boat up and down the length of the river. A double hook herring rig baited with a cut herring plug is also effective when trolled.
- 5). Fish from a river drift boat to access more fishable water and places that shore anglers cannot get to. Drift salmon roe through runs and holes as the boat moves downstream. Casting lures and bright plugs from the boat is an effective method as well.