How to Rig a Planer Board
- 1). Thread your fishing line through the rear hole or slot of your planer. All board planers attach to your fishing line at the front and back of the board. Some planers completely detach from both the front and back of the board when a fish strikes and some only partially detach. Boards that completely detach must be retrieved by turning the boat around to find the floating board after you catch your fish.
- 2). Attach a lure or bait to the end of your fishing line using any technique and tackle you want then unreel at least ten feet of fishing line. The amount of line you unreel will be the distance your bait or lure will trail behind the planer.
- 3). Attach the fishing line to the quick release that attaches to and came with your planer board. Most of these releases look like clothespins and are permanently attached to the planer when you buy it. Read the instructions that came with your planer board if you do not immediately understand how the quick release attaches and detaches from your fishing line.
- 4). Drop the planer board in the water while your boat is under way and unreel at least 20 feet of line. The more line you unreel the farther away from your boat the board planer will float.
- 5). Deploy planer boards marked "right" on the right side of your boat. Deploy planer boards marked "left" on the left side of your boat. If your planer board is unmarked, the angled end of the planer board should face the direction of your boat and the flat side of the angled end of your planer board should face toward your boat.
- 6). Troll at a speed of about two knots. The faster you troll, the closer the planer boards will come to your boat.