How to Fold a JKF18 Hornet Jet Paper Plane
- 1). Fold the sheet of paper in half across its shorter axis. Be sure the crease is tight.
- 2). Fold two of the corners of the non-creased side down and outward towards the crease so that they form right equilateral triangles on the outside of the folded paper.
- 3). Form the two open flaps of your right triangles back upward towards the creases that form the hypotenuses of the triangles. Be sure the new open flaps are flush with the creased hypotenuses.
- 4). Fold the two edges of the new creases you created in Step 3 back up towards the original creases that form the hypotenuses of the triangles.
- 5). Unfold the creases formed in Step 4 and tuck the creases formed in Step 3 underneath them, refolding them back into place afterward.
- 6). Unfold the creases formed in Step 5 back upwards towards the top of the plane's "wings." It should result in two small right equilateral triangles sticking over top of the outside edges of the wings. Fold them in half across their vertical axes over into the inside edges of the wings to form two "pockets" at the top of the wings. Fold the two small triangles back into the pockets to hold them in place.
- 7). Unfold the crease made back in Step 1 and position the paper so that the folded wings are facing up. Fold the "nose" of the plane up and backwards so that its point is extending down to the halfway point of the original crease, creating a new triangle.
- 8). Fold the small two flaps that will be sticking up over the triangle created in Step 7 over top of the triangle to hold it in place.
- 9). Fold the two non-hypotenuse creases of the triangle created in Step 7 in bisected angles up and over top of itself to form a small pocket at the new nose of the plane.
- 10
Create two new wing assemblies by pinching the point about an inch down from the new nose of the plane and folding two new right triangles along its axis from that point. - 11
Cut a very thin slit in the crease of the plane's body from its rear up to the joint where its wings are made. - 12
Fold the wings of the plane back down over top of the cut in the crease, which will naturally cause them to separate. Make new creases at the points where they form a small slanted "v" shape at the rear of the plane. Fold the wings back over top of this crease so that the various assembled folds of the wings are now facing the bottom side of the plane. - 13
Unfold the plane at its original axis and straighten the wings so that they are perpendicular to it. Fold the large exposed parts of the wings back underneath the body of the plane. - 14
Cut into the wings from their outward sides inward along the creases you made in Step 13. - 15
Fold the exposed flaps halfway back into the new pockets formed on the interior of the wing assemblies. You should now have four distinct wings. - 16
Make small folds in at the outward edges of each of the four wings to give them the appearance of housing missiles on their undercarriages. - 17
Turn the plane right-side up and make a very small downward fold at the nose to give it its distinctive front end appearance. Your JKF-18 paper airplane is now complete.