How to Paint Skeleton Warriors
- 1). File away any molding lines that appear on the figure, using a metal file. These are available from craft shops and are much easier to use on the tiny figures than sandpaper.
- 2). Assemble the figure using superglue. The parts to assemble are the torso, legs, arms and head. Allow the glue to dry completely before proceeding. Don't glue shields in place just yet, it is much easier to paint them if they aren't attached to the figure.
- 3). Fill in any gaps on the figure with modelling putty. You may find the skeletal figures do not require as much filling as other figures, as they are made from bone not flesh. Be careful not to use too much putty and lose the definition of the bones.
- 1). Apply a base coat of Warhammer's "Khemri Brown" paint to the bones of the skeleton. Apply a base coat of "Boltgun Metal" to the armor, metal parts and shield. If the skeletons are holding spears, then apply a base coat of "Scorched Brown," if there are brass parts on weapon handles or shields, apply a base coat of "Brazen Brass." Allow to dry.
- 2). Mix together "Brown Ink" and "Black Ink" and add water to create a "wash." Apply this watery paint to the entire figure. Allow to dry.
- 3). Paint the bones with a light coat of "Bleached Bone." Ensure some of the darker base coat is allowed to show through to create a look of age, dirt and shading. Highlight the armor using "Chainmail," and paint any cloth areas in your armies chosen color.
- 4). Highlight the bones again, using "Skull White," and examine the whole figure, making sure each different color is highlighted in a slightly lighter shade. Attach the shield and start on the next Skeleton Warrior.