How to Get Stains Off of Vinyl Siding
- 1). Mix together a solution of water and table vinegar in a bucket. (Do not use any fancy vinegars, like apple cider vinegar.) Start with about 2 gallons of warm water and stir in about ¾ gallon of vinegar.
- 2). Pour the solution into a pump garden sprayer. This is especially important if the stain covers a large area of your house. If your stain is fairly small, you can work from your bucket if you like.
- 3). Spray the stained area. Point the sprayer at a downward angle (about 45 degrees) and work from left to right, bottom to top. This ensures you don’t miss any of the stain. If you’re working from your bucket, you can apply the solution with a rag or sponge.
- 4). Wait. The solution needs about 15 minutes to eat away at the stain, so don't rinse it off immediately. However, don’t leave it on for any longer than 15 minutes. Once it dries it requires a considerable amount of elbow grease to rinse, especially if your siding is patterned.
- 5). Rinse your siding. Either fill your sprayer with clean water or grab your garden hose. Again, angle downward. Start at the highest point of the stain and move left to right. That way any drips will end up in the yet to be rinsed area.
- 6). Check to see if any portion of the stain is still present. If the vinegar didn’t take care of it, try again with bleach. Dump and rinse your bucket and then fill it with a solution of 2 gallons of warm water and 1/2 gallon of oxygen-based bleach (not chlorine bleach). Then repeat Steps 3 through 5.
- 7). Let siding air dry.