How to Build a Green Egg Table
Things You'll Need
1Cut four 32-inch-long table legs, four 41-inch-long lateral braces and four 27-inch-long end braces from the 2-by-4-inch lumber. Cut nine 41-inch-long tabletop pieces from the 1-by-4-inch lumber.
Attach a leg to each end of two of the lateral braces. Flush the top of the leg with the top of the lateral brace. Attach the second lateral brace 10 inches below the top brace. Use two 3-inch deck screws at each connection between the braces and legs. At this point, you have two components with legs on each end and two braces running horizontally between them.
Attach the end braces between the two components. Flush the tops of two end braces with the tops of the lateral braces at the top of the legs, and flush the remaining two end braces with the tops of the lateral braces at the lower level. Again use two 3-inch deck screws at each connection. At this point, the assembled unit is the open frame of a table.
Fasten five of the tabletop pieces to the top of the table assembly, using two 2-inch deck screws at each point where the tabletop boards contact the top lateral braces.
Fasten four of the tabletop pieces to the bottom end braces of the framework. Again use two 2-inch deck screws at each contact point.
Mark a circle in the top-level tabletop to accommodate the Big Green Egg, using a pencil and a string. Determine the diameter of the grill (commonly 16, 18 or 21 inches) and divide the number in half. Tie a pencil to a string and measure the string to that number. Hold the end of the string at the center point of the intended position of the grill. Draw a circle around that point, keeping the string taut. Use a jig saw to cut out the circle.
Add a brace between the two top lateral braces a few inches to the table side of the opening you cut in step 6. Measure the distance between the lateral braces and cut this length from a 2-by-4-inch board. Attach this brace to the two lateral braces with two 3-inch deck screws at each end.
Paint or stain the wood table to match existing deck decor.
Insert the Big Green Egg through the opening in the tabletop. It rests on the lower shelf of the table.