Best Cash Back Opportunity
The reason I wouldn't be surprised is because I can always go into the grocery store and always tell you who cares about their money and who doesn't.
If you think about it, every week there are a load of items on sale and why do most people steer clear of the sales? It's because they are brand loyal.
Now, let's think of it for a while in that many items that are on sale range from meats to cookies to fruits.
If you want cookies for the week, I can almost guarantee you that there are some cookies on sale but then again, the brand factor plays a part in many people's buying habit.
This is why I try to tell people that brands shouldn't matter, your money should.
If you grab a sale price and then you throw a coupon on top of it, you can save a lot of money.
In fact, sometimes you may find out that you get it at no cost.
The cool thing I like about shopping and buying things on sale is that I can get steals here and there.
I'll buy everything and at the end when you think I've saved all of my money, I didn't.
This is when I pull out my cash back credit card, making it a great opportunity.
The card I have now gives me an additional 5% off on my total bill making my savings extreme.
The next time you pop into a grocery store, think about sales and think about that credit card because this is something many people pass up.
If you're smart about your money, you'll find a million and one ways to save.