How to Stop Unfair Practices in the Credit Cards Act
- 1). Get a copy of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (see Resources). Read the act to learn what debt collectors can and cannot do as they attempt to collect from you.
- 2). Make note of any violations under the act. Keep a journal and log every violation, including the type of violation and when it occurred. Write down as much detail as you can about the incident.
- 3). Write the debt collector a letter describing the violations and notify him that you will be filing official complaints with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and your state attorney general.
- 4). Call the FTC at 877-382-4357 to file a complaint by telephone or visit the website to file a complaint online (see Resources). Use the notes from your journal to provide as much detail as possible. Also send a written letter of complaint to the consumer affairs office of your state attorney general (see Resources). Wait for a response from your letter or complaint and follow up if necessary. Generally, just the threat of filing a complaint will convince the debt collector to stop unlawful acts.
- 5). File a lawsuit. According to the FTC, you have the right to sue debt collectors in state or federal court within one year from the date the law was violated. If you win, a judge could require the debt collector to pay you up to $1,000, and also reimburse you for attorney's fees and court costs. See a lawyer if you wish to sue.