Facts About Cats and Kittens

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    • The cat lifespan can be up to 20 years. Cats age the equivalent of four human years by the time they are one year old.


    • Kittens will have their largest growth spurt within the first year of their life, growing twice their size in 12 months. You can tell how large a cat will be by the length of the whiskers.

    Kittens and Mothers

    • Kittens cannot leave their mother for the first six weeks of life. This is the time it takes to wean a kitten from the mother's milk.


    • Kittens should not have dry food until they are older than two months. Don't allow cats to eat grapes or chocolate.


    • Cats become lactose intolerant after they are weaned from their mother's milk. Cats also lose their mother's immunity from infection around the same time because they are no longer getting their nutrition from their mother.

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