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Arts & Crafts Business : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Rc Tanks, All You Need To Know About Buying One !

RC tanks are great fun for everyone and rc tanks have advanced a lot over the last few years. Radio controlled tanks come in small mini desktop size to over 2 feet long, also most hobby grade rc tanks

Leaf Extracts That Can Be Used As Ink

Different leaves can produce different colors of ink.Roine Magnusson/Photodisc/Getty ImagesLong before commercial methods of creating ink were invented, ink was made from natural products such as berries, bark and leaves. Leaf extracts have been used for centuries to create numerous...

How to Make a Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon

Like a red ribbon for AIDS awareness and a yellow ribbon to honor our troops, the pink ribbon is a symbol of breast cancer awareness. A simple pink ribbon shows your support, courage and love for those living with or those who have lost a loved one to breast cancer. Many pink ribbons are sold, and t

International Creative Craft & Play Ideas for Preschool Children

Preschool is a fun age for play and learning.makeover image by Lisa Eastman from Fotolia.comYoung children learn best through creative play and crafting. They keep their minds and bodies engaged and learn through osmosis. To teach kids about international cultures and have a little fun,...

Weaving in Wool Ends

When you reach the end of your crochet or knitting project, you inevitably face the fact that you must weave in the stray ends of wool yarn. Typically not a favorite task among yarn artists, weaving in ends is necessary to give your project a finished appearance and to make sure it does not begin to

How to Make Cloth Beads

Many fabric craft projects leave you with scraps and extras. Instead of tossing these colorful bits or relegating them to the scrap bin under your sewing machine, transform them into unique beads for future jewelry projects. Not only will you save money on store-bought beads, you can create jewelry

Jewelry Making Ideas Using Beads - Some Basic Tips

Jewelry is a great way to express your personality. It is even better, if you can make your own jewelry. You can choose from thousands of beads of different colors, material, size and style. Read on t

How to Monogram Using the Monogram Foot on a Brother Sewing Machine

The Brother sewing machine can create monograms with its monogram foot, #N. Use the monogramming foot with free motion sewing to create the monogram. The monogram foot is wider than most machine feet and has a see-through window to view stitches. The bottom of the foot has a cut-out section to allow

How to Make Craft Letters

Whether you are making a banner for a party or putting together a scrapbook, you will want a stylish and personalized look for your creation. Instead of drawing on letters or purchasing expensive ones, create your own craft letters for the occasion. Sew large fabric letters to spell out "Happy Birth

How to Make Paper Napkin Rings

Just because your next gathering leans toward an informal rather than a formal affair does not mean you cannot get creative with your table settings. An informal table set with paper and plastic dishes and utensils provides ample options for accessorizing. Add colorful and imaginative paper napkin r

How to Make Medieval Princess Hats

Women's head coverings of medieval times incorporated diaphanous fabric veils, often in layers falling to the shoulders and below. Gold gauze and sparkling jeweled trims appeared in authentic royal head coverings of the period and will delight any little princess wearing one today.

How to Decorate Clothes With Rhinestones

If you've got a plain shirt, pair of jeans or pair of shoes that you've relegated to the back of your closet, give it new life by adorning it with rhinestones. Decorate each piece with simple tools to express your personal style and create attention-grabbing, one-of-a-kind clothes.

How to Locate Stores for the Clapper Key Chain Finder

Losing track of your keys can be a headache. Seeing this as an opportunity, several companies have begun marketing key chains that emit a loud noise when you clap your hands or whistle. Many people call them "Clapper" key chain finders, even though the company that made the original Clapper device n

The Dewalt Dw745 Table Saw Has Special Characteristics It Is Truly Perfect.

The Dewalt dw745 is an easily portable saw of its kind with the help of an optimized footprint, although its weight is approximately 22 kgs in total even then easy to move. For protecting dissimilar kinds of job site drops and other types of impacts a perfect steel roll cage is used. dewalt dw745 ha

Craft Ideas Using Dried Bean Seeds

Use a variety of dried bean seeds to create decorative crafts for yourself or to give as gifts. Dried beans are inexpensive, available in different sizes, colors and shapes at the supermarket and are easy to handle. Children and adults can spend an hour or two making art projects that...

How to Make Your Own Gondor Banner for Miniatures

Gondor is the fictional kingdom of Men created by J.R.R. Tolkien in his Lord of the Rings epic. Miniaturists recreating the armed forces of Gondor distinguish these forces with the use of a banner of Gondor. The banner consists of a white tree surrounded by seven stars above its boughs, often depict

Directions for Circle Knit Scarfs

A continuous circle scarf of knitted yarn will dress up an outfit while providing a warm neck cover. The scarf is knitted on circular needles, which are two knitting needles attached to each other by a long, thin plastic cord. Circular needles are sold at specialty knitting supply stores, where you

How to Save Used Stamps

People around the world save stamps. Many save them as a hobby; stamps are very collectible and can be worth a lot of money. Others send their used stamps to a charity, and the charity sells the stamps to dealers to raise necessary funds. Mailed envelopes are a good source for used stamps, but remov

How to Decorate a Clothespin

Hanging laundry on the clothesline does not need to be boring. Decorate clothespins and jazz up your household chores. Decorated clothespins can be used as chip bag clips and paper clips, as well as hanging your clothes. Several clothespins can be decorated at one time and children can successfully

How to Make an Artifical Flower Arrangement

While real flower arrangements provide beauty and, sometimes, fresh fragrance, they don't last long. Instead of enjoying your flowers for a few days or weeks and then discarding them, create a flower arrangement with artificial flowers that will never wilt or die. An artificial flower arrangement ca