What Programs Can Be Safely Removed From Windows XP?
- Several programs can be removed from Windows XP.computer repair concept - workers repairing keyboard image by dinostock from Fotolia.com
With the advent of Windows XP, Microsoft removed an important feature that had been present in previous versions of Windows: the ability to select which Windows components or programs to install. However, that doesn't mean those components can't be uninstalled after the fact. In fact, there are at least three components that most users of Windows XP will not need---these programs can be safely removed to free up space on your hard drive. - Windows Messenger is Microsoft's attempt to offer its users an on-ramp to the world of messenger programs, similar to AOL IM and Yahoo Messenger. However, if you don't happen to find MSN Messenger to be remotely useful, this is a program that simply takes up space on your hard drive and offers you no value.
- Similar to Windows Messenger, in that it is designed to take you directly to another Microsoft service, MSN Explorer is basically a tweaked version of Internet Explorer (which cannot be fully removed from your computer without damage). However, unlike Internet Explorer, if you are not interested in using the MSN service for anything (and, frankly, even if you do want to use it for something, you don't have to have MSN Explorer), it can be safely removed from your computer.
- WordPad has been around since version 1.0 of Windows. It is a simple word processor that is often ignored by users of Windows XP. If you have another word processor that you prefer, you can certainly do without WordPad and enjoy the extra space on your hard drive.
- Do you play solitaire and Mine Sweeper? If you do, then by all means, skip this option. However, if you've never understood the appeal, you can remove these programs from Windows XP as well, and there will be no detrimental effect on your computer's performance.
- The accessibility wizard in Windows XP is meant to make it easier for some people to use Windows. It offers to increase the size of your fonts if you are having trouble seeing them, for example. For most of us, however, this feature is not useful and can be safely removed.
- If you installed the various service packs on Windows XP, you will have an option installed allowing you uninstall the service packs. However, if your computer seems to be running smoothly, then there is no reason to keep them around. These can also be safely removed in order to free up space on your computer.