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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden

The Parts of a China Rose Flower

China roses have distinctive petals.flower petals image by Faith Ashurst from Fotolia.comThe China rose is a type of hibiscus that is native to Asia, particularly the warm or tropical areas of the continent. The flowers of China roses grow up to eight inches in diameter and are trumpet...

Dwarf Upright Juniper Shrubs

Although majestic evergreens provide a sense of timeless permanency in yards and landscapes, their immense size makes them unpractical for many settings. Most standard conifers range in height from 20 to more than 100 feet tall. Dwarf junipers share the same characteristics of standard ones but matu

How to Grow Rosemary in Winter

Rosemary is a wonderful plant, even if you don't use it for cooking. It has thin, dark green leaves with a small, delicate blue flower. It's a hot-weather plant, which means if you want to grow it in winter and you live where temperatures get into the 30s, you will have to bring it indoors. With jus

Swamp Azalea Plant Care

Prized for brilliant orange or rich maroon autumn foliage, swamp azalea (Rhododendron viscosum) is native to the bogs and swamps from Maine to Florida, and west to Texas. With proper planting, swamp azalea thrives outside its native range.

How to Identify California Backyard Tomato Insects

Many insects attack tomato plants in California's gardens. Often, you do not see the insects; you only see the damage left behind. To help identify the insects, note the type of damage and at what time in the growing season it occurs. If you see the insects, their size and color will give you clues

How to Make Fake Rocks for My Terrarium

Make lightweight artificial rocks for your terrarium in almost any size or shape with a hypertufa mixture composed of Portland cement, peat moss and vermiculite. European gardeners first developed the hypertufa technique in an effort to mimic lightweight and porous volcanic tufa rock for affordable

Shade-Loving Flowering Bushes

Mountain laurelsMichael Melford/Photodisc/Getty ImagesMost flowering shrubs and bushes need sun exposure to bloom well, but a few flower well in the shade. If sections of your garden have partial or constant shade, those areas don't have to be dark and dreary. Instead, brighten them up...

What Is in Plant Fertilizers That Helps a Plant Grow?

Fertilizer is any substance given to plants that helps them to grow and thrive. The purpose of fertilizer is to replace nutrients that plants can't pull from the soil. Most soil is deficient in some type of nutrient. Most fertilizers contain certain levels of the major nutrients, which are called ma

How to Trim Dead Blooms From a Rose Bush

Trimming dead blooms from rose bushes is essential to having beautiful, healthy roses. Lots of dead blooms and branches can inhibit the amount of sunlight that reaches into the bush, so trimming dead matter allows in more sunlight. Dead blooms and branches also encourage disease and incest infestati

How Many Types of Ferns Are There?

Ferns are one of the oldest species of plants in the world. They are estimated to have existed for at least 400 million years, long before flowering plants came into existence. Ferns are popular for use in gardens and indoors, as they can create a luscious landscape. However, there are also thousand

Tulip Flower Description

The tulip flower grows in a variety of vibrant colors, shapes and sizes and is widely recognized throughout the world. The tulip's popularity dates back to the 17th century. According to the website, tulips are the third most popular flower worldwide, ranking next to the rose and c

Cheap Way to Kill Wasps

It is easy to kill wasps cheap. Several effective non-toxic methods are available that use common household ingredients. When you are exterminating wasps, follow standard safety precautions. Plan an escape route, wear long sleeves and jeans and only approach wasp's nests late at night or in the earl

Gardening With California Native Plants

Designing California urban landscaping using California's 4,830 native plant species will conserve water, reduce chemical fertilizer and pesticide use, and decrease the risk of fire while helping save this unique flora according to the California Native Plant Society (CNPS). Most native species need

Do-It-Yourself Tomato Cages

Tomato cages are used to lift tomato vines off the ground. Cages protect tomato vines from breaking and also prevent fruit from developing molds and fungus caused by lying on the moist ground. Tomato cages are widely available at nurseries and hardware stores, but the cages are often flimsy and do n

Mildew on a Sageretia Theezans

Sageretia theezans, also known as the Chinese bird plum, is a flowering tree, commonly used in bonsai. Its love of humidity makes the tree attractive to fungal infections, such as powdery mildew.

Pumpkin Planting Guide

Pumpkins are a fun and rewarding crop for the home garden. They are easy to grow, and the fruit will last a few weeks, so pumpkins are an ideal first crop for kids or beginners. Once they have been planted, pumpkins require minimal care; once grown they have many uses -- they are both decorative and

When Should an Outdoor Garden Be Planted?

Planting an outdoor garden requires a lot of work. The work begins even before you plant the garden, because the soil must be cultivated and tilled so it can be used. Choosing when to plant your outdoor garden is a crucial aspect in the success of your harvest. There are many factors that play a par

Bushes and Shrubs for Privacy Screens

Choose bushes and shrubs based on what kind of screen you want.haie et cypr?¡§s image by Bruno Bernier from Fotolia.comShoulder height is the minimum height for an evergreen hedge intended as a privacy screen, according to Donna Fare of the University of Tennessee Extension. In addition...

What Are Monocot Plants?

Monocot plants are one of the two major botanical classes of flowering plants, or angiosperms. The other class includes the dicot flowering plants. These fundamental classes were given formal taxonomic standing by botanists in the mid-17th century, replacing previous plant classification systems tha

Vegetables That Do Well in Mostly Sunny Places

The majority of vegetables need ample direct sunlight when grown in outdoor gardens. Tomatoes, green beans, peppers and cucumbers need to be planted in an area that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight to produce healthy, mature vegetables. The soil also needs to be at least 70 degrees for