How Many Types of Ferns Are There?
- There are approximately 12,000 different species of ferns, according to Dr. Ray Rothenberger of the Department of Horticulture at the University of Missouri. Some ferns are large and fluffy in appearance, while other ferns may be small and compact. Some ferns are dense while others are more sparse in appearance. Though they can vary greatly in their overall appearance, the vast majority have the same requirements: high humidity and low or indirect light.
- There are several types of ferns that are popular for use as indoor plants. The most well-known variety is the Boston fern, also known as the sword fern. This particular variety grows between 10 inches and 3 feet, depending on the specific cultivar. Other popular ferns include staghorn, bird's nest, maidenhair, Japanese holly fern, brake ferns and rabbit's food ferns.
- Most ferns thrive in shade. In fact, some ferns that are ideal for indoor use can also be used just as successfully outdoors as long as they are properly cared for and do not receive too much light. The maidenhair fern is one such fern that can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Other types of ferns that do well outdoors in shaded areas include the Christmas fern, the royal fern, autumn fern, bead fern, Japanese painted fern, holly fern, lady fern and the tassel fern.
- Though ferns are used in gardens, there are many types of ferns that thrive naturally in woodland areas. However, as expected, many ferns found out in the woods can also thrive in garden settings as well. The maidenhair fern and the autumn fern are two types that can thrive in both the woodlands or in a garden. Another species commonly found in the woodlands is the cinnamon fern.
- Though the vast majority of ferns are found thriving in shaded woodland areas or tropical rainforests, some ferns can be found living in cave areas. For example, in the Robbers Cave State Park in Oklahoma, there is a species of fern known scientifically as Asplenium bradleyi that thrives beneath the overhang of the cave. Other cave ferns living in the area include Argyrochosma dealbata, which is the Windham fern.
- Again, though most ferns prefer the shade, some will grow out in the sunlight on hillside and mountainsides. In fact, some species of maidenhair ferns will grow in these areas, according to Dr. Bruce A. Smith, a professor at McLoud High School. Another fern that has been found growing in mountainous areas is Cheilanthes lanosa, which can also take over open hillsides.