Swamp Azalea Plant Care
- Don't plant swamp azalea in areas colder than USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 6 through 9, where winter lows remain above minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Swamp azaleas need acidic soil with a pH below 5.0, according to the Georgia Wildlife Federation. A location near water is best. Moist, well-drained soil amended with organic matter and protected with a 2- to 4-inch deep mulch of pine straw (fallen needles), wood chips, or leaves is also suitable. Pine straw is a natural soil acidifier.
- All azaleas are happiest in light to moderate shade, where they are vulnerable to lace bug attacks. Swamp azalea flowers last longer in filtered than in direct sun. Plants in full shade, however, may become spindly.
- When rain is scarce, these shallow-rooted azaleas benefit from soil soaked from 8 to 12 inches deep. Watering beneath the leaves with drip irrigation or a soaker hose reduces disease, advises the Clemson University Extension. Unlike many azaleas, swamp azaleas are flood tolerant.
- All azaleas are vulnerable to several diseases, including root rot. Proper care minimizes the risks.