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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
Tropical Deciduous Forest Animals & Plants
Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty ImagesUnlike other tropical forests, tropical deciduous forests are defined by the presence of broad-leaved tree species and climatic conditions that include a long dry season, in addition to their tropical latitude. Sometimes referred to as tropical...
Persian Lime Tree Diseases
The lime tree can suffer from a wide range of diseases.zitrone 4 image by Tino Hemmann from Fotolia.comThe Persian lime tree, valued for its thick skinned limes and quick growth, can become plagued with disease. Citrus trees are the common target of mites because of the succulent fruit...
Asparagus Fern Information
The asparagus fern, Asparagus densiflorus Sprengeri, is not a fern at all, but is related to asparagus. Its inch-long, needle-like leaves appear on thin stems along with small, prickly thorns. The asparagus fern's bright green color and soft, delicate appearance make it a popular houseplant.
The Disadvantages of the Tulip Poplar Tree
OverviewJupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty ImagesThe tulip poplar tree, whose Latin name is Liriodendron Tulipifera, is commonly referred to as the tulip popular tree. It actually is a member of the magnolia family and is a fast-growing deciduous tree hardy in zones 5a-9b. It can withstand...
Spruce Trees in Landscaping
Evergreens provide texture and color to any landscape. Spruce trees are often used in landscaping because they remain attractive for long periods of time. However, many spruce trees are large and not suitable for small spaces.
How Deep to Grow Radishes
Radishes are among the simplest garden vegetables to grow. They sprout in spring when temperatures are cool and mature within three to four weeks, depending on the variety. Plant radishes in neat rows or tuck them in among larger vegetables. Planting depths vary slightly, based on the type of soil a
Can Hibiscus Plants Be Cut Back in the Fall if They Are Grown Outside?
Hibiscus is a plant grown for its trumpet-shaped flowers and full shrubbery. Hibiscus plants include annual and perennial cultivars. Native to temperate climates, perennial hibiscus grown outdoors can be cut back in the fall or in winter.
How to Build a Raised Flower Bed Patio Wall
A raised flower bed patio wall creates a unique and decorative patio border, separating the patio from the rest of the yard. A raised flower bed is an ideal flower garden for older homeowners, who may have trouble bending over to tend ground-level flower beds. Building a wall to define the flower be
How to Raise Turnips
Raising turnips from seed is a satisfying and rewarding process for many home vegetable gardeners. One of the most common root crops, turnips are generally grown in the spring and fall, maturing in about two months. Because turnips are easy to grow, they are often recommended for beginning vegetable
Basic Apple Tree Trimming Tips
In addition to planting an apple tree in an appropriate location, fertilizing it, watering it and protecting it from pests, the tree needs to be pruned annually. Trimming an apple tree in the right way is one way to help it produce more fruit, experience fewer health problems and have a longer lifes
How to Grow a Tomato Plant
The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is one of the most popular gardening plants. It produces a large number of fruits in a short period of time. Its vines can grow up to 10 feet high and will readily climb over other plants. The size of tomato fruits vary considerably but most varieties produce fruits
Do Cherry Trees Have to Be Planted in Twos to Bear Fruit?
Cherries come in two varieties: sweet and sour. Most sour cherry trees are self-fertile, meaning that they can produce fruit when you only have one tree. You can usually increase your harvest from a sour cherry tree if you provide a second cultivar for cross-pollination. Sweet cherry trees are typic
How to Fertilize Magnolias in Zone 4
Magnolias hardy in USDA plant zone 4 include Magnolia x loebneri "Merrill" and Magnolia stellata. Both have scented white flowers in early spring before the leaves appear. Grow magnolias in a place with morning sun and partial afternoon shade. Pick a sheltered location between buildings or among
How Does Salinity Affect Plant Growth?
Salinity affects plant growth by weakening the plant's ability to absorb water from the soil it lives in. The large amount of salt found in soil affected by salinity makes it hard for the plant to absorb all the nutrients necessary to be healthy. As a result, most of the plants become weaker, and in
What Is the Difference Between the Germination of a Bean Seed & the Germination of a Corn Seed?
Flowering plants can be broken into two types, monocots and dicots. Due to differences in the way these seeds germinate, monocot corn seeds and dicot bean seeds are often studied and compared in plant biology classes.
Lilac Bush Growth
After a gray and dreary winter, lilac bushes can enliven our spirits with their vivacious blooms. These plants are well known for their fragrant flowers and for being hardy shrubs requiring very little maintenance. Lilacs develop their leaves early, growing upright to between 8 and 15 feet high.
How to Root Plant Cuttings in Water
Propagating plants by rooting cuttings is a simple, inexpensive way to increase the number of plants you have in your home or garden. Although you can root cuttings in a rooting medium such as vermiculite or Perlite, the no-frills method of a simple container of water works just as well for easily r
How to Protect Flowers From Too Much Sun While on Vacation
Garden and indoor plants you've watered and tended all year can suffer when you go on vacation, especially if you leave home for more than week. Too much sunlight and lack of water can make your plants wither and die. Having a friend or neighbor look after your flowers while you're away is the best
Elephant Ear Care
Elephant ears are Caladiums with huge leaves. This plant grows from bulbs called tubers, and leaves are different shades of green to purple with one almost black purple variety. Leaves are heavily veined and many grow from the single bulb. Elephant ears are a tropical plant and will not tolerate col