10 Reasons to Stop Smoking You Haven"t Thought Of

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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Coping With Nicotine Withdrawal - 2 Steps to Get You Through It

If you're contemplating giving up cigarettes you might be dreading the downer that comes as the nicotine supply runs dry. You might have felt a bit of it already if you've tried to cut down or if you've actually gone a few days without smoking. The good news is that there are things y

Stop Smoking Hypnosis For You

This article talks about how to stop smoking with the help of hypnosis. It also describes how this method is easy, simple and effective to stop smoking.

Give Up Smoking For Good With These Tips

Smoking is a smelly, expensive and harmful habit. Not only does smoking endanger your life, but it also endangers the lives of the people you love. Quit smoking to live a healthier life and spend ...

Cheating Death

Often times people talk about Russian Roulette as a way of describing some dangerous chance that someone takes with their own life. It is usually talked about in regards to something that the person would never do. But there is a whole segment of society that plays this game of chance every day - dr

Does Smoke Deter Really Work?

When shopping for any product on the internet, we tend to do a lot of research for products we can't see right before our eyes. It's far too difficult to simply click a button to purchase when there's no physical product to read, and no store clerk to speak with. Keeping all of this i

The Benefits of Using Herbs to Quit Smoking

If you are trying to kick the habit, using herbs to quit smoking can be a great way to go. There are several benefits to doing this, mainly that herbal supplements do not contain nicotine. It has been shown in clinical studies that nicotine addiction can be harder to cure then addiction to some stre

Discover How You Can Start Quitting Immediately

Some people think that when they put a cigarette in their mouth, light it up, inhale it, they will be fine and nothing else matters, but it actually matters a lot. Maybe you can feel ...

Settling Down With Electronic Cigarettes

Usingvapor cigarette is a smarter alternative to tobacco because it would first cut down your cost or smoking bill to a half percent. Second, who doesn’t want a healthier way of living?

Quitting Smoking With No Willpower

Millions of smokers have tried to quit by themselves and have failed, some multiple times. Each attempt convinces them further that they have no will power. In fact just the opposite is the reality. You have used willpower all your life to achieve both the big complex things and the simple day to da

Docs Miss Alcohol Abuse -- Almost Always

Primary care physicians miss telltale signs that would suggest a diagnosis of alcohol abuse, according to a new survey of doctors and their patients. The findings show that this lost opportunity occurs an incredible 94% of the time.