How to Clean Windows Memory Cache
- 1). Click the "Start" button below your desktop.
- 2). Enter "\Documents and Settings\**computer user name**\Local Settings\Temp" in the search field and press "Enter."
- 3). Click on the "Temp" folder from the list that appears to open it.
- 4). Click "Select All" to select all of the temp files from within this folder.
- 5). Right-click the mouse button and select "Delete." Confirm your wish to delete all of these temp files.
- 6). Close the folder. You should notice your computer responding more quickly and readily to commands and processes.
- 7). Search for additional temp files on your computer. Click the "Start" button and enter ".tmp" in the search field. Wait while your computer searches for these temp files. Browse through the list of temp files that appears and delete unnecessary .tmp files.