How To Trace Cell Phone Numbers
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And then there are the other things. She's off in a corner talking on her cell phone. Her tone changes or she hangs up when you appear. It's obvious that she is hiding something. She plays it off when you ask her about it or says that you are just being silly. But you were not born yesterday. She is hiding something.
And now she's working at night... two, even three times a week. And when she gets home she's very tired and goes straight to bed. Any advance from you gets met with, "Honey, I'm so tired can we wait until another night?" If you protest you are accused of being inconsiderate. The signs are there.
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Then one evening, she's in the shower, her cell phone rings. You answer it and whoever is on the other end hangs up. You jot the number down and later you call. A man answers and you ask who it is. He snaps, "Hey, you called me pal!" And he hangs up. More fuel for the fire.
Well at least now you've got his number. All you need is the name and address to go with it. Calling the number didn't do any good so you try one of those free reverse look up services on the internet. All that they tell you is that yes the information is available. There's no such thing as a free reverse lookup.
And besides you know it's not about the money right now... you want to know the name of the jerk. Reverse phone detective is your answer. They have one of the largest compiled cell phone data base directories available. Put their power to work for you. Find out who she is talking to.