How to Put Up Crown Molding in the Corner of a Room
- 1). Measure the wall to find the length needed for your first piece of crown molding.
- 2). Cut the first piece of crown molding according to the measurement gathered in step 1. This piece will only need to be cut for length; no angle will need to be cut into the edge of this piece of crown molding.
- 3). Nail 8D finish nails in the first piece of crown molding tightly into the corner with a hammer or nail gun. Each nail should be 1/2 inch from the bottom and top edge of the molding, and should go into each stud and joist along behind the wall.
- 4). Look at the profile created by the first piece that is now nailed to the wall. The profile is the angle of the edge of the first crown molding that is resting in the corner of the wall. You will need to cope or mimic this profile on the edge or corner of the second piece of crown molding.
- 5). Place the second piece of crown molding upside down into a miter saw. The molding's top edge, the edge that will touch the ceiling, should be against the miter saw table.
- 6). Set the saw to 45 degrees. Cut the piece of molding with the saw.
- 7). Line the profile edge of the second piece of crown molding against the end of the installed piece of crown. Determine if the profile of the second piece matches and the two edges will butt together smoothly.
- 8). Cut away additional wood from the profile of the second molding until it matches or lines up with the installed piece attached to the wall. You can use a utility knife to remove excess material. Don't cut into the exposed face or front of the molding. Hold the molding up again for a test fit. Shave away additional material if necessary.
- 9). Butt the corner of the second piece of molding to the first and nail it into the wall. Make sure the nails are securing the molding into the joists and studs.