How to Enable & Disable Rollback
- 1). Log into the system as an administrator. Click "Start," type "regedit" in the "Start Search" text field and press "Enter." The Registry Editor will open.
- 2). Expand "HKEY_CURRENT_USER," "Software," "Policies," "Microsoft," "Windows" and "Installer." Note: the "DisableRollback" value might display on the right pane.
- 3). Create the "DisableRollback" value, if it does not exist on the right pane. Right-click the "Installer" sub-folder, choose "New," "DWORD Value," name it "DisableRollback" and press "Enter."
- 4). Double-click the "DisableRollback" value on the right pane. A dialog box will open. Type the number "0" in the "Value Data" text field if you wish to enable rollback. Type the number "1" if you wish to disable rollback. Click "OK" to save changes.
- 5). Expand "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE," "Software," "Policies," "Microsoft," "Windows" and "Installer."
- 6). Double-click the "DisabledRollback" value. Create the value if it does not exist. A dialog box will open. Type the number "0" in the "Value Data" text field if you wish to enable rollback. Type the number "1" if you wish to disable rollback. Click "OK" to save changes.
- 7). Close the Registry Editor utility.