How to Illuminate Parts of a Microscope
- 1). Position your microscope on a flat surface, such as a table or desk. Make sure you are close to an outlet in order to plug in any power supply needed. In addition, make sure you position your microscope at a level or height in which you can view your specimen appropriately.
- 2). Obtain the microscope lamp. Plug the cord into the outlet. Turn it on and make sure the light bulb is working properly. Adjust the lamp so that the light reflects against a wall in order to make sure it focuses correctly. If the light needs to be focused, adjust the lamp bulb screws so that the light is distributed evenly.
- 3). Place the lamp next to the microscope. Turn the lamp on and increase the light intensity so that the beam strikes the microscope mirror. Adjust the mirror on the microscope in order for the light to strike the center of the diaphragm stage of the microscope.
- 4). Place a specimen on the microscope stage. Make sure to use a specimen you are very familiar with and know what you should be viewing, in order to make sure the light is working. Adjust the light intensity as needed to a level at which your specimen can be viewed. Remember to focus your specimen with the x10 objective first; then, increase the magnification.