How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back When He Won"t Talk To You
The first thing to do is take a step back and go over the events of the past few months. What did you argue about? Or has there been constant bickering and fault finding? You will have to do some deep digging because it could be one thing or several little things. It could be something that happened recently or quite some time ago that has been eating on him. At the end was there a heated argument that got out of control and turned into a contest to see who could say the most hurtful things? If this is the case, you can understand why he does not want any more communication with you right now.
To get your ex boyfriend back, it is best that you let him go for now. If you have been trying to call him and he will not talk to you, don't resort to emails or text messages to try to get him to respond. This will just make you look pushy and he will be even more hesitant to get back with you because he will see you as controlling and pushy. Getting a mutual friend to act as sort of a referee will show you as weak. You might lose a friend because your ex may tell them to stay out of things that are none of their business. So how can you get through to him?
You write a letter. People might not take phone calls or read emails or text messages, but almost everyone will open and read a letter. You want to make it short and sweet. Just apologize for your part in the breakup and tell him you would be glad to meet him for coffee and a friendly chat sometime. That's it. Leave it there and see what happens. My bet is you will be hearing from him soon.