How to Make a Precision Psychrometer
- 1). Place the metal frame so that it is standing vertically. The frame could be fashioned from something as simple as an aluminum coat-hanger. Bend the wire into a shape with two feet to stand on and vertical components to fix the thermometers to.
- 2). Affix the thermometers to vertical parts of the frame so that the metal bulbs of the thermometers are approximately 1 inch from the surface that the frame is standing on.
- 3). Tear off a small section of paper towel. Wrap it completely around the bulb of one thermometer and use the rubber band to hold it there. The paper towel should be hanging lower than the bulb itself and almost touching the surface the stand is on.
- 4). Print a precise relative humidity chart and tape it to the frame of your psychrometer so that you always have it with the instrument. You can find a good chart through the link in the Resources section.
- 5). Fill the small cup with just less than an inch of water. Place it underneath the thermometer with the paper towel wrapped around its bulb. The paper towel should be submerged in the water. The bulb itself should not be in the water. Your psychrometer should now be ready to take readings and measure the relative humidity.