A Typical Plant's Cell Structure
- Plant cells contain an extra layer of support and structure that most other organisms do not have called the cell wall. It is a rigid membrane made out of cellulose fiber. Situated inside the wall is a semi-permeable cell membrane made out of proteins and lipids that allows certain substances to pass into the cell and facilitates contact with the outside world.
- At the center of the cell is a nucleus that contains DNA from which proteins are synthesized. The part of the complementary DNA that will create the necessary protein is found and then "read off". Around the entire nucleus is a nucleus membrane. This membrane breaks down during cell division so that duplicated DNA can be split apart.
- Between the cell membrane and nucleus is the semi-fluid interior called the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains organelles, which are somewhat analogous to organs within the body in that they perform individual functions that are integral to the proper working of the whole cell. One important part of the cytoplasm is the vacuole, which works to maintain the shape of the cell.
- There are several individual organelles within the cell. The Golgi body packages carbohydrates and proteins for export from the cell. The mitochondrion formulates ATP, which is an important molecule in the production of energy. The endoplasmic reticulum contains two types; the rough kind is studded with ribosomes that synthesize proteins, and the smooth kind helps produce or digest lipids and membrane proteins. Both transport materials through the cells.
- Plant cells also contain important metabolic organelles called plastids. One of these plastids is the chloroplast, which contains stacks of thylakoid membranes where pigments collect light for photosynthesis. The main function of the chloroplast is to convert this light energy to chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates. Chromoplasts are the sites for pigment synthesis and storage. Leucoplasts, which also may take form as an amyloplast or elaioplast depending on the cell, synthesize or store a variety of compounds such as starch and lipids.