Pool Cleaning Tips
- Enjoy swimming in a clean pool.colorful pool toy floating in a summer pool image by Jorge Moro from Fotolia.com
Summertime enjoyment is like the cake of all seasons whose icing is swimming in a pool, but to swim in a pool, you must clean and properly maintain the pool. Cleaning a pool is hard work, and the more it is neglected, the more work you must do in the long run. Knowing how to clean a pool makes it easier to maintain the pool throughout the summer season. - A soon as fallen leaves and other debris is seen floating on the pool water, net it off. When debris is left in the pool, it eventually falls to the bottom, breaks down and becomes a part of the scum ring that you must scrub off later.
- When the filter is running, it creates a current that channels the water's surface of the pool into the skimmer net before it reaches the filter. When the skimmer net becomes full of debris, dump it out. Neglecting this slows down the force of the water flow into the filter, causing it to filter less effectively, and it also causes the decaying debris to break down and become embedded in the filter sand.
- After a while, the pool sand becomes dirty and loses its filtering capacity from filtering debris from the pool. The debris will become lodged in the filter sand; the way to get it out is to clean it with a good backwashing.
Backwashing forces the water through the filter sand in an opposing current from where it is set to filter the pool water. The dirty filter sand water is then flushed out of the filter through a hose that empties outside of the filtering apparatus. Once the water runs clear, set the filter to rinse to rinse the sand out before filtering again.
Periodic filter sand cleanings keep your system running at the right pressure so that it filters the pool water effectively and lessens the pool's overall maintenance. - Adding chlorine or nonchlorinated shock, algaecide and pH balance to a pool breaks down the foreign elements in the pool water that makes it murky and green. After running the pool filter for the recommended amount of time, more debris will collect around the rim of the pool and at the bottom.
- Use a scrub brush designed for cleaning pools to scrub the walls and floor of the pool clean. At this point, the scrub brush will just loosen the debris on the walls and floor of the pool, mixing it back into the pool water. Not to worry, though, as the filter will continue to filter the water until it is clean.
- Jump-start your filter's ability to clean the pool water by vacuuming the walls and floor of the pool after the debris resettles at the bottom after a good scrubbing. Vacuum slowly since the vacuum kicks up the dirt and makes the water cloudy. Cover the entire inner surface of the pool. After vacuuming, give the filter another backwash and rinse, and watch as your pool becomes clean again.
- Keep your pool water clean throughout the swimming season by vacuuming once a week and netting it regularly. Keep the pool water balanced and maintain its chlorine levels, or chlorine alternatives, to prevent algae buildup. Cover the pool when it's not in use and during the rain to avoid a setback in your pool's maintenance.