How to Uninstall Visioneer OneTouch
- 1). Click on your Windows "Start" button. Select "Programs" or "All Programs" (wording will vary by operating system).
- 2). Select "Add/Remove Programs if you are running a system that is earlier than Windows XP. If you are running Windows XP or higher, click on the "Uninstall A Program" link that is located underneath the "Programs" icon.
- 3). Highlight "PaperPort" in the programs list. Click on the "Uninstall" or "Remove" option. When prompted if you are sure you want to remove PaperPort, select "Yes."
- 4). Highlight "OneTouch" or "Visioneer OneTouch" in the programs list. Click on the "Uninstall" or "Remove" option. Select "Yes" to confirm your desire to uninstall the program.
- 5). Click on "Start" and then "Search." Type "Device Manager" in the search box. Press "Enter." Click on the "Device Manager" listing to launch it.
- 6). Click on the "+" that is located beside "Imaging Devices" or "System Devices" (wording will vary by operating system).
- 7). Locate the OneTouch scanner in the devices list. Right-click on the item in the devices list. Select the option to "Uninstall." Select "Yes" when you are prompted to confirm your intention to delete.
- 8). Disconnect the cables that are connecting your Visioneer scanner to your computer, if the scanner is still connected.
- 9). Download the OneTouch "Remover Utility." You can download the utility from the Visioneer website (see References below). Open the utility once the download is complete so you can run it on your computer. This will remove any remaining computer files that are associated with your scanner.
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Restart your computer to complete the removal of the programs.